2023-08-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2023-08-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Aaron NeslinJoe ReimersMasayo UchiyamaWinter White
    Ann CrowleyJulie StaufferPeter BreternitzZorian Sasyk
    Dennis BridgesKayla ValdiviesoRhonda Fuhrmann
    Dung-Lan ChenKimberly PamplinSara Colglazier
    Dwayne SwigertKimberly SmithScott Perry
    Emily RobertsonKimberly WiljanenSusie Skowronek
    Heather McMillanKristin MartinSteve Selleck
    Jackie MagagnoscLisa SmithSven Thomsen
    Jean PajerekLucinda WilliamsTimothy Nelson
    Joanna CerroMartina SchildtVictoria Anderson


Housekeeping -

  • Reminder - Tuesday, August 22, meeting cancelled due to conflict to WOLFCon 2023
  • Next scheduled meeting - This Friday, August 18, at 9 am Eastern
  • Tentatively planned for Friday, Sept. 1 - Package POLs with Sara Colglazier

Business -

Discussion items

  • Housekeeping -

    • Reminder - Tuesday, August 22, meeting cancelled due to conflict to WOLFCon 2023
    • Next scheduled meeting - This Friday, August 18, at 9 am Eastern
    • Tentatively planned for Friday, Sept. 1 - Package POLs with Sara Colglazier
    • Susie Skowronek - new to the group. Her university just migrated from Alma to FOLIO. 
 :07Implementer's Topic #96 
  • Add option to indicate fund on a preset, not pro-rated adjustment
  • When creating a pre-set adjustment in Settings > Invoices > Adjustments, it would be great to be able to specify a default fund for an adjustment that is not pro-rated. An example would be a shipping/postage adjustment that always needs to come out of a specific postage fund.

    Currently there is no place to select the fund, so it must be manually applied on each invoice.

  • Dennis: Does anyone on the call use preset adjustments?
    • scolglaz 12:08 PM
    • Lisa Smith, Mich State  to  Everyone 12:09 PM
      No for Mich State
    • Kimberly Pamplin  to  Everyone 12:09 PM
      We do
    • Martina Schildt  to  Everyone 12:09 PM
      we will when our first library starts with ACQ next year
  • Dung-Lan Chen 12:09 PM
    Acquisitions/Resource Management implementers
  • Joe Reimers (EBSCO) 12:10 PM
    If memory serves, that bugfix will be addressed in the next release 
  • Dennis: Do you add non-prorated adjustments?
    • Sara - No, it's always prorated.
    • TAMU uses them not prorated. 
    • Timothy Nelson 12:11 PM
      We also use non-prorated adjustments (shipping and tax). Usually.  Sometimes we pro-rate across different funds, other times we just charge to specific shipping or tax funds.
  • Dennis will get with Molly to get more information. 

Implementers Topic 103
  • Invoices: No duplicate warning when set to Approve/Pay
  • When an invoice duplicates on vendor, invoice date, and invoice number, a duplicate modal will pop up. Currently (in Nolana) this occurs when an invoice is created, edited, or approved. When the setting "Approve and pay in one click" is active, however, it seems that this modal is bypassed. Since approve is part of this process, it seems like the behavior should be consistent with approving and cause the modal to appear.
  • Dennis will create a bug for this issue. 
:21Implementers Topic 104
  • Invoices: Navigating invoice lines
  • When reviewing invoices and needing to see a more detailed view, it would be helpful if one could navigate back and forth between invoice lines without having to close back out to the main invoice page and reselect a new line. So while on line 2 clicking backward (or previous) would take me to line 1 and forward (or next) would take me to line 3. Visually this might resemble the "Previous" and "Next" buttons used to navigate order searches with more than 50 results. This would save clicks and make the review process more efficient. 

    In addition, it might be useful to have a placeholder indicator to inform you of the line you just closed out of. (Perhaps the line stays highlighted in blue?). Even though closing out of an invoice line will bounce the line to the top (unless you hit back button in browser, in which case this does not work!), a visual clue might be helfpul if possible to remind the user where they are at. This is particularly so on longer invoices.

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:22 PM
    This would be nice not only for invoice lines, but for POLs too.
  • Dennis:  Added use case to topic. The user is reviewing invoice that was generated via EDI and has multiple lines. The user may or may not need to edit the line. When editing, some prefer to navigate back to the line on save and some circumstances you may want to navigate back to the invoice. When going back to the invoice, it would be nice to know which line you just edited. 
  • scolglaz 12:24 PM
    Or, at least also indicate a placeholder to the Invoice Line after saving
  • Joanna Cerro (she/her) 12:25 PM
    +1 for bringing it back to the invoice line
  • Dennis will talk to Kimmie about this. 
  • wiljanen 12:28 PM
    Coming back to the invoice line is important as the order of invoice lines in the  Folio Invoice line is not always identical to the lines on your  printed invoice
  • Discussion on how in Inventory, when a link has been clicked on,  it changes colors. May be able to do something similar for invoice lines. 
  • Sara: Prior to Orchid, thought when she brought in an invoice via EDI it matched the invoice order. Since Orchid that no longer seems to be the case. She can now make them alphabetical, only it doesn't take articles into account. 
    • Dennis: Place to start is probably talking with Ann-Marie to see what changed. Sounds like something changed that may not have been intended. 
      • Dung-Lan. When we go back to topic #99, we need Ann Marie to attend meeting. Maybe we can add this topic to the same conversation. 
  • Dennis: Will create JIRA to add 'next' and 'previous' navigation in invoice line and po. 
    • Kimberly - Cross App is looking at the issue of adding multiple 'save and x'... options to screens.
    • Kimmie and Gill may already have a pattern that will work for the issues of where to take the user after they click 'save and close'.  

:40Implementers Topic 105
  • Orders → Search for POLs in search and filter pane via instance HRID?
  • Are there any plans to make the HRID of the linked inventory entity searchable? The POL should be able to easily access this via the UUID link. If the POL is linked to an instance, the search for the instance HRID would be possible automatically. If you also link the Holdings with the POL, you can also search for Holdings-HRID.

  • Dennis: This would be searching via a specific search index... this would need to work for package pol's. Barrier may be based on how search is done in orders app. That information is not in Orders storage, it's in Inventory storage. We do already have features written to change searching in orders, so this is a story we can add to that. 
  • Sara: Would this information be linked in receiving?
    • Dennis: Receiving uses mod orders storage. Searching becomes difficult because you have to go out to a different mod. It's possible, 
  • Dennis will create a JIRA for adding these two search indexes to the POL search area. These may only be possible by changing the search technology used by the orders app. 
:50Implementers Topic 106
  • Orders/Invoices: Automatic Slashes for Dates
  • Is there any way it would be possible to have the slashes in date fields automatically input when typing? This is a very minor thing, but between orders and invoices I find myself putting in a lot of dates. It would make things faster if the markings between were automatically added.

    Some examples:

    Orders - Renewal date, Subscription from, Subscription to, Using any of the date filters.

    Invoices - Invoice date, Subscription start date, Subscription end date, Using any of the date filters.

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:51 PM
    +1 Kimberly!
  • STCOM-1160 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Martina Schildt 12:51 PM
  • Date formatting
  • Dennis: This is probably a Stripes improvement. 
  • Martina: This has been discussed in Cross App and has been discussed with the Stripes team. 
  • Kimberly: We can mark this as closed. 
:53Implementers Topic 107
  • Add "Reporting Code" field to Invoice and Purchase Orders
  • Lehigh would be interested in a functionality that adds a Reporting Code (similar to Method of Acquisition) that helps track non-Acq. related data points

    (eg. "DEIA Shelf Project")

    This should be report-able via LDP. And uses vocabulary that we can edit. 

  • Dan isn't on the call today. 
  • Dennis: There is an opportunity here for having a custom field here for orders. Or maybe use tags, or subtle enhancement to tags.  Would like to discuss more when Dan is here. 
  • Heather McMillan to everyone 12:55 PM
    I'd rather see a custom field rather than a tag
  • Susie Skowronek 12:55 PM

  • Scott Perry  to  Everyone 12:56 PM

  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:56 PM
    +1 to custom field

  • Scott Perry 12:57 PM
    I could see it for things other than expenditures.

    Joe Reimers (EBSCO)  to  Everyone 12:57 PM
    I'm going to need to drop at the top of the hour

    Scott Perry  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    Controlled vocabulary rather than tags

    Lisa Smith, Mich State  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    We would not want to have to "unopen" orders to use the field.

    Kristin Martin  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    Tags are not robust enough to really use effectively

    wiljanen  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    +1 Kristin

    Kimberly Pamplin  to  Everyone 12:59 PM
    Agreements app has Supplementary properties which can be customized and can be filtered. Maybe could be something similar?

    Scott Perry 12:59 PM
    +1 Kristin

  • Kimberly - the agreements app has supplementary properties where you can define what a field looks like and what you put in it and it's searchable. 
  • Scott Perry 12:57 PM
    I could see it for things other than expenditures.

    Joe Reimers (EBSCO)  to  Everyone 12:57 PM
    I'm going to need to drop at the top of the hour

    Scott Perry  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    Controlled vocabulary rather than tags

    Lisa Smith, Mich State  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    We would not want to have to "unopen" orders to use the field.

    Kristin Martin  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    Tags are not robust enough to really use effectively

    wiljanen  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    +1 Kristin

    Kimberly Pamplin  to  Everyone 12:59 PM
    Agreements app has Supplementary properties which can be customized and can be filtered. Maybe could be something similar?

    Scott Perry 12:59 PM
    +1 Kristin. Supplementary properties can be multiple with orchid.

  • Scott Perry 1:00 PM
    Apply to agreements and licenses.

    Kristin Martin  to  Everyone 1:00 PM
    Thank you folks - gotta go.

    scolglaz  to  Everyone 1:00 PM
    locally contrrolled

    Scott Perry  to  Everyone 1:00 PM
    Controlled via settings.

    Martina Schildt  to  Everyone 1:00 PM
    term filter builder
    it is really powerful to my mind

Action items


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