2023-06-06 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2023-06-06 Acquisitions Meeting notes



Aaron NeslinJohn BanionisLisa MayburyShannon Burke
Alissa HafeleJuleah SwansonLisa SmithSteve Selleck
Ann CrowleyJuliaLucinda WilliamsSusanne Gill
Beverly GeckleJulie BrannonMasayo UchiyamaSuzanne Mangrum
ChelseaJulie StaufferNick HardebeckSven Thomsen
Christine McClureKara HartOkay OkonkwoSylvia Hamann
Cindy BassettKassie McLaughlinPaul MoellerTara Barnett
Corrie HutchinsonKayla ValdiviesoPeter BreternitzVictoria Anderson
Dung-Lan ChenKimberly PamplinrmerrellWinter White
Emily RobertsonKimberly SmithRobert HeatonWilhelmina Randtke
Jackie MagagnoscKimberly WiljanenSara Colglazier
Jean PajerekKristin MartinScott Perry


Housekeeping -

  • Next scheduled meeting, Friday (May 9 at 9 am), since both Dennis & Joe are away this week, we are looking for topics or interest in still meeting this Friday

Business -

  • Test rollover demo/walk thru by Ann Crowley (Thank you, Ann!) plus Q&A
  • What you do in FOLIO in preparation for FYRO - implementers' FYRO experience sharing & Q&A




2023-06-06 video

Discussion items

:03Rollover WalkthroughAnn Crowley
  • Have not successfully rolled over in test.
    • Have purchase orders across ledgers

    • John Banionis 12:04 PM
      These were the same results I received
      No, financial rollover success
  • Have test and production systems
  • ~:05 - Set up new fiscal year.
  • :06 - Sara: Can they overlap?
    • Ann: We always do a hard cutover. We don't have an overlap.
    • Scott Perry 12:07 PM
      We also did a hard cutover.
    • Kimberly Smith 12:07 PM
      Hard cut
    • John Banionis 12:08 PM
      I know that you have to roll from a current date and then can change the dates
    • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:08 PM
      Last year, Mich State extended our current fiscal year into July.  After we did FYRO in July, then we allowed staff to start keying new order, paying, etc. in the new FY.
    • Scott Perry 12:09 PM
      That's in the documentation as well.
  • ~ :9 Open ledgers and go through one by one.
    • Select new fiscal year.
    • For test purposes, always roll allocation forward for endowed and appropriate. For real time, enter a planned budget for those funds.  
    • Also roll balances forward as transfer.
    • When rolling the allocation and available balances forward it does merge them into one number.
    • Until Orchid, transfer numbers are not included in ledger and group totals. 
    • Do not allow for overencumbrances or overexpenditures in FOLIO.
    • Select to increase encumbrances by a small percentage (not really working because POs are over multiple ledgers).
    • At this point, hit rollover.

  • Largest ledger took about an hour. Next smallest took about 30 minutes. Other ledgers are much smaller and took maybe 5-7 minutes each. 
  • :12 - Screen share of what it looks like on a fund.
  • John Banionis 12:12 PM
    This is where we're having an issue too (on encumbrances)...we only had two orders across ledgers, so I just temporarily changed the fund allocations get the rollover test to complete correctly and will reallocate them them after rollover
  • Julie Brannon (she/her) 12:13 PM
    FYI When you create a new fiscal year, FOLIO won't stop you from having overlapping dates with an already existing FY record, so there isn't any warning - just want to be careful with that...
  • With Orchid, Rollover budget values: "None," "Available," and "Cash balance"
  • Lucinda Williams (she/her) 12:10 PM
    I want to hear more about how Planned Budgets work. Can wait till later...
    • Before going in to perform actual rollover, can go into each fund under Planned budget and click New. With planned budget, can enter in for next fiscal year before rolling over. Will be in the system when you rollover. Not something uploaded.

    • This would be original allocation for the fund. Anything carried forward would go in as a transfer.
    • ~:17 - Lucinda - What do you do differently when you are setting up on the rollover screen? Does it automatically take the planned budget? 
      • When entering planned budgets will not do anything in the "Rollover allocation" column. 
      • 12:17:58 From  Julie Brannon (she/her)  to  Everyone:
            Here's a JIRA related to importing allocations if you want to keep an eye on progress for that feature: UXPROD-199 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • ~:20 - Lucinda - Last box was close all budgets. Curious about if you choose a date to have your budget end. Will it stick to that date? Will it close the budgets? 
      • Ann - We never go back and adjust anything that we've processed. Don't go back and do a retroactive adjustment. Do a hard cutover. 
      • John Banionis 12:21 PM
        I chose "close budgets" in test and actual rollover...does that have any impact on open orders or just the budgets?
        • 12:22:01 From  Scott Perry  to  Everyone:
              Just the budgets.
  • Discussion regarding POs in multiple ledgers.
  • 12:26:42 From  Scott Perry  to  Everyone:
        I think it's a good idea to document whatever you do, both so you know for the next year and if there is a problem.
  • Take screenshots of rollovers. 
:27Test RolloverJohn Banionis
  • Screen share of Test Rollover Results spreadsheets
  • Endowed - 100% successful.
  • Others - got partial log of successful.
  • Error message: "Rollover poLines by chunks failed.
  • Certain encumbrances are showing up in the expense classes, but not in the budget summary total.
  • Kimberly Smith - EBSCO had to run a script to recalculate all the encumbrances.
  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:31 PM
    If you look at the corresponding POL, should there be an encumbrance?
    We had to have a script run, too, to correct too many encumbrances.
  • Corrie Hutchinson 12:32 PM
    Possibly: Fix encumbrances (especially after a Lotus rollover)
  • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:34 PM
    With migrated encumbered orders, we sometimes had to manually release encumbrances.
:35Actions Prior to Rollover
  • Cindy Bassett 12:33 PM
    Can those who have done rollover before, did you do anything before you rolled over to capture the status of your funds? Did you export your budget information for your ledgers, for example?
    • Scott Perry 12:35 PM
      We saved the status of our funds prior to rollover and also had access to that in LDP (and also Metadb).
    • Ann - Used LDP. Have some reports that give all the information. 
    • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:35 PM
      We had to take screen shots of everything ahead of FYRO.

    • John Banionis 12:36 PM
      We also use LDLite to query all of our data on demand as well
    • Scott Perry 12:37 PM
      The old fiscal year will still be visible post-rollover.  We make use of Groups as well.
  • ~:38 Sara: Have not rolled over, getting ready to. Without using LDLite, two things useful: test rollover and then to dig into any numbers that seem off. (Shared screen)
    • Manual releases of encumbrances. Where on test rollover encumbrance amount seemed to not be right, looked up budget and then went to transactions > type> encumbrance and started skimming them
      • Around 20 orders where even though release encumbrance was checked off for the POL, the difference was not released. Went through and manually released. 
      • Could not figure out an efficient way to discover them beyond skimming for weird amounts.
      • In one case, it was one complete invoice. In other cases only certain invoice lines.
    • Ran Export budget information CSV.
      • Found a weird negative amount. Seems to be a completely messed up order.
      • Shows a negative budget amount. Just going to leave it alone. Shows in expense class but not budget summary encumbered amount.
      • :44 - Kimberly Smith - Similar to what we were experiencing. They had to run a script in the background. 
      • John Banionis 12:39 PM
        It may be when invoices are processed, the encumbrance wasn't released - there is a checkbox to check or uncheck
      • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:39 PM
        I think the script would correct these kinds of problems.
      • John Banionis 12:40 PM
        We ran into that when we did NOT want the encumbrances to be released for a monthly invoice, for example, and our invoice processor could uncheck the box to NOT release the encumbrance
      • Dung-Lan Chen 12:41 PM
        We have a few of that happened what Sara just described last year, too, and EBSCO fixed it.
      • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:42 PM
        We also had negative encumbrances the the EBSCO script corrected.
      • Scott Perry 12:44 PM
        We've encountered a few negative encumbrances and Index Data had to run a script to remove them.
  • Recommended to run FYRO on Chrome Browser
  • ~:49 - Sara: For one-time orders, in Order lines search, filter by "Awaiting Receipt", "Fully paid"
    • Can skim by POL number and if they are really old, might question why it's been paid for but not received 
    • Too bad that the Order type (ongoing/one-time) option is only available in Orders filter pane and not Order lines.
    • What do we need to clean up?
    • Don't want to roll things when we didn't need to roll them.
  • Scott Perry 12:52 PM
    We run a script to close all paid one-time pos since they don't close unless received (if receiving is required).
    • Have backlogs still from COVID. 
    • Will close about 7,000 POs. Want to receive, but don't want to carry into new year as open POs. 
    • If you've overencumbered something, payment will still have that remaining trailing amount on it.
    • Close them all so that we know they should not have any encumbrances.
    • :55 - Kristin - It is changing the item status to order closed. 
  • :57 - Sara - "Initial encumbrance" rolled over all initial encumbrances for everything, even if the order was closed. "Remaining" did what I expected, and only rolled over encumbrances still remaining, but not how I interpreted remaining. Just FYI.
    • Julie Brannon (she/her) 1:01 PM
      The documentation has this explanation for the "Based on" options:  From the drop down list, select Expended to encumber the total amount that was expended during the current fiscal year. Select Initial encumbrance to encumber the purchase order line estimated price. Select Remaining to encumber the amount that has not yet been paid.  https://nolana.docs.folio.org/docs/acquisitions/finance/

Action items


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