2021-03-04 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2021-03-04 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Brooks Travis

David Bottorff

Andy Horbal

Erin Weller

Monica Arnold

Mark Canney

Martina Tumulla

Cornelia Awenius

Donna Minor

Andrea Loigman

@Christine Tobias

lisa perchermeier

Marie Widigson

Kelly Drake

Martina Karlsson

Stephanie Buck

Sharon Wiles-Young

Monica Arnold

Laurence Mini

Cheryl Malmborg

@Patty Kishman

Cynthia Lange


Jana Freytag

Discussion Items

45MinTitle level requests

Presentation & Live-Demo by Marie Widigsonfrom Chalmers → Slides

Gathering requirements and accessing interest for title level requesting

Title Level Requests - Technical information

Timeline:  We would like to have requirements gathered by March 15, 2021

Name:  "Title level requests" vs. "Instance level " requests

  • The request is not actually on the title - different editions or formats of a title may be available but will not be included in the request queue that we are envisioning
  • "Instance' is folio-speak and non-native folio speakers may not understand what we mean

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


@Marie Widigson, provided a demonstration of requests at Chalmers with a discussion about title level requests. Title level requests are on the instance level. First person in the queue gets the first book returned. The patron places a request through discovery (EDS). If an item is available on the self the request is a Page. If the item is not on the shelf the request is a Recall. TRL logic from mod-circulation interprets the business logic. Non-requestable item and loan types are omitted. The item with the shortest queue gets the request. If equal queue length, the item with the soonest due date is used.

Chalmers' slides, screenshots and notes are available: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l1rf_wkAD8b1utoIW4A9vvGmSEdRsTh5YTARR6B2I2E/edit?usp=sharing

Problems with using TRL logic? 

  • Another item not covered by TRL logic may be returned. Items may get returned earlier than due date; queue gets out of order.
  • Students make multiple requests; other patrons have to wait longer.

Current necessary workarounds:

Script  to move found items to available items
Manually move patrons to more fair place queue
Dummy patron to block item queue. Mainly when we reorder additional copies

Where should the setting for item versus title level request live?

item, holdings, instance?
circulation rules? For example, patron type "student" requesting loan type "textbook": apply title level request.

How are remote storage/asrs libraries planning to handle requests to items in those locations?

Requests now in folio entirely dependent upon itemids.

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