2021-09-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes
https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes |
2min | Administrivia | National Holidays:
| |
30 min | enhancement of Check-in and Check-out that might help address the duplicate barcode issue |
Meeting Notes
Enhancement of Check-in and Check-out that might help address the duplicate barcode issue - Brooks Travis
Hotfix 2 in Juniper was originally supposed to include a fix for an issue with duplicate barcodes (e.g. multiple items at a single institution have the exact same barcode) whereby FOLIO won’t let you save them. This is now scheduled for Kiwi. It will create a need for institution-specific suffix for such items, which would affect Check in, Check out, and Requests app as well as INN-Reach. Brooks is proposing a fuzzy truncated wildcard match for barcode search to support this. It could be counter-productive to other efforts to simplify/speed up such functions, but would be extremely helpful for institutions with large numbers of duplicate barcodes (such as 5 Colleges, who has ~200,000). Sierra does this. A pop-up will appear instructing users to pick which barcode they want.
Use cases include consortia and ILL contexts where institutions are using the barcodes applied by the item’s home institution, which could duplicate barcodes used by borrowing institutions.
Since this is a tenant-level solution, no one on the SIG has any objections to Brooks’ s proposed solution, especially if the developer time comes from INN-Reach! Institutions that aren’t likely to be affected to this expressed an interest in hearing from those that do implement this about any impact on response times.
SIG members expressed additional thoughts about who should pay for development such as this which primarily affects individual vendors.
Next steps: Brooks will write this up as a feature and bring it back to the SIG for further discussion.