2021-01-21 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2021-01-21 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Cynthia Lange

Cornelia Awenius

Joanne Leary

Sharon Wiles-Young

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Schwill, Carsten

@Christine Tobias

Molly Driscoll

Andrea Loigman

David Bottorff

Brooks Travis

Kimie Kester

Amelia Sutton

Erin Weller

Monica Arnold

Martina Tumulla

Laurence Mini

lisa perchermeier


Mark Canney

Cheryl Malmborg



Kelly Drake

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items


15Option to restrict check in of items not at their home location

We would like to talk about a possible Option to restrict check in of items not at their home location

slide deck

40Various topics

Jana Freytag and all

  • we need POs for loans and requests
  • Permissions - App Interaction
  • Reports - Are there reps from our group who might be willing to give Sharon Beltaine a quick demonstration of what will be available? They want to be sure to not duplicate effort by creating any reports that can be done with tools in the applications. They did this for RM and it was very helpful.
  • going back to regular presentations from adopters

On Documentation:

From the Chat (Molly Driscoll):

I just added this doc to the RA SIG folder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hhrgZvU7F7Yhd21UpYwu4sYPI4RoKoXK/view?usp=sharing

It could definitely use some fleshing out but I created it to help with order of operations in implementations.

On Permission:


Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


1. Jana and Cornelia led a discussion about a possible option to restrict check-in of items not at home location. Some German libraries are interested in this feature and in their present system at check-in there is a warning "do you wish to continue?" in this case. After discussion it seems most American libraries wouldn't want this feature and there was concern about the use of development time on a feature which didn't have broad support. A suggestion was to write a proposal and submit it for voting. Erin will take to circ PO meeting to see how best to proceed.

2. Jana. We need to find POs for loans and requests. Please consider, even just for interim. In the meantime, what to do with our meetings. Jana asked if early implementers would be willing to present topics related to their system and implementation. Some implementers feels we are still very early and still learning and perhaps not ready to present. The second suggestion was to have working meetings where we work together to build out documentation. We don't want to lose the momentum and cohesiveness of the group we have built thus far but there will be transition until we find new POs.

3. Jana. Permissions - app interaction. There is a subgroup looking very granularly about permissions. Anyone willing to join?

4. Jana. Reports. Is there a rep/s from our group who might be willing to give Sharon Beltaine a quick demonstration of what will be available? What reports are already available in-app? This may be simply a matter of checking the Actions menu in each app to see what is availbable, but others pointed out it depends upon the instance and your permissions. It would be good to have a quick glance overview of what reports are availble in-app, what is coming and what needs to be developed. This would be an excellent topic for an upcoming RA SIG meeting.