2021-08-09 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2021-08-09 Resource Access Meeting Notes





(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Angela Zoss (Old)

Erin Weller


Elizabeth Chenette

lisa perchermeier

David Bottorff

Dwayne Swigert

Sharon Wiles-Young

Thomas Trutt

Andy Horbal

Brooks Travis

Cheryl Malmborg

Andrea Loigman

Mark Canney

Monica Arnold

Robert Scheier

Christine Tobias


Rebecca Pernell

Thomas Paige

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items


Vaccation (Jana): Sept. 9th, 13th, 16th, 20th

Next topics: ILL discussion this Thursday



30 MinReporting Sub-Team for RA and UM related topics
query development: https://github.com/folio-org/folio-analytics
10 MinQuesions to SMEs - how is FOLIO used:
  • In Patron Notice Policy: Overdue fine, returned – What purpose does the recurring frequency “After” the event happened?
  • Request delivery staff slip  -  i.e. “Book has to be delivered to the staff room” – where do you configure it/ where is it determined, that it’s a delivery request?

5 MinSmoke Testing

Meeting Notes

Topic 1. Reporting Sub-team for RA and UM related topics – Angela Zoss

Reporting SIG is working with an external reporting database solution called the LDP. They have divided into four separate teams for query development, and a small query development team has been formed for RA and UM related queries. Angela Zoss is leading that team. The RA query work has been going on the longest and is the most stable because they’ve had specific requests and they are making progress. Angela is hoping to share data with/ask questions of RA SIG about logic and prioritization of the queries in development from RA. It was decided that Angela (or another representative from her team) will join RA SIG meetings every two weeks (tentative?) for approximately ½ hour to offer targeted updates on what her reporting team is working on and so that she may solicit feedback on questions about circulation logic or query prioritization, and possibly RA SIG members could update the reporting team about what our group is working on so that the info is flowing both ways.

Topic 2. Questions to SMEs – how is FOLIO used – Julie Bickle

  1. Patron Notice Policy: fee/fine notices -- Overdue fine, returned – send “after” and “recurring” frequency? How are these used? Main though is that this is the way all the other notices work, so this is an option for all. No real use case coming to mind for the group.(Settings circulation patron notice policies, fee/fine notice -- mainly overdue fine returned)

When does is stop sending if it is recurring? When it reaches max overdue fine amount? Not sure if anyone has used this? May have to check the JIRA. In this case, because it is the overdue fine for something that is returned, it would not continue to accrue overdue fines after it was returned, and we hope it would stop sending after overdue fine was paid. Not sure if it has been tested.

  1. Request delivery staff slip

Can somebody summarize when you’d use a request delivery?

And where is this configured?

In the request app, you can define the request type on the item. We don’t believe the delivery function not completely built out. It works in that you can place a delivery request that has a delivery address, and it has a delivery slip when you check the item in. That’s what controls what data is included there. There’s a lot of logic around how that works that isn’t in the system yet.

Delivery request versus a hold. When you place a request, delivery has to be set up in the user record. Fullfillment preference = delivery.

Topic 3. Testing – Julie Bickle

Starting August 10, 2021 smoke testing begins. Bug testing and bug fixing has already happened. We’re checking whether the fixes are good and didn’t break anything with smoke testing. Please claim some tests.

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue