2021-02-04 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2021-02-04 Resource Access Meeting Notes



(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Sharon Wiles-Young

Cornelia Awenius

Brooks Travis

@patty Kishman-Smith

Joanne Leary

Deb Maddox

Martina Tumulla

Andy Horbal

Monica Arnold

Andrea Loigman

Laurence Mini

Rameka Barnes

Erin Weller

Kelly Drake

David Bottorff

Cheryl Malmborg



Jana Freytag

Discussion Items


News from the PC Sharon Wiles-Young

Brooks Travis is going to be the new PO for Requests through 2021 R2 in August.

presentations by implementing libraries


Erin - Continue working on in-app reports document?

RA Documentation Review

the implementation process Andy Horbal  Joanne Leary

1. If we change our circ rules after implementation, what will happen (to due dates, for instance, or upon renewal) to items checked out under the old rules? The two scenarios we are thinking about here are:
• We add a new rule which supersedes an old rule
• We edit a circulation rule

2. Can you delete a circulation rule even if it is “in use,” meaning it governs open transactions?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue




Sharon Wiles-Young

              Marsha (Ebsco) will be working until June on documentation.

              Need for a representative to coordinate for RA group.  Erin Netttifee volunteered, but asked for        if any one would be interested in being a co-chair.

              Andy Horbal agreed to be co-chair

Suggestions to bring people form the outside to help with documentation and also help with revision to have a fresh set of eyes would be helpful.


Erin Nettifee

              In-Apps Report

              Does the report allow people to give refunds out-need to do manual?

              Need to check for permission?  Still in development?

              Need to know: 

                            What is the payment transaction information?  Is it credit card or check numbers?

                            Date Refund Request is that the date the refund is done in Folio?

              Fields not in Folio:

Date action complete& staff member? Are they operators to use when it was downloaded, but not actually FOLIO field?  Need to confirm and the document question on date paid.  There may be multiple dates of payment.

What happens if to staff members work off the same report, is there ability have staff information in the additional information?  The institution will have to decide on 1 person and work flow to do the work on the refund report.

Ask user group-why different Icons in actions----it may be up to who is working on the action.


              Missing call numbers for sorting, needs to be added.


Andy Horbal

              Questions are in the chat

Discussion on how is easy is it to replace a rule, delete a rule if in use-open transaction will it except the rewrite rules?

If a change in a circulation rule when the item is renewed (location-patron group) new rule /policy will apply.


What happens if delete rule being used in system, does it prevent the loans.  Need new rule what you delete.

If deleted fee/fine policy you will receive and error. Will be able check in, need to do more testing.

When writing rules come as close to what you want the end result to be.  Write the rules so you can understand them.  You will be able to make changes.


              Congratulation to Brooks for new role of PO.