2021-04-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2021-04-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Sharon Wiles-Young

Thomas Trutt

Cornelia Awenius

Schwill, Carsten


Elizabeth Chenette

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

David Bottorff

Andy Horbal

Erin Weller

lisa perchermeier

Martina Tumulla

Brooks Travis

Monica Arnold

Darcy Branchini

Andrea Loigman

Cheryl Malmborg

Rameka Barnes

Christine Tobias

Laurence Mini

Mark Canney

Molly Driscoll

Shirley Moentnish


Amelia Sutton

@Catherine Descanzo

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items


Upcoming National Holidays

Some EU-States: Thur 13th and Mon 24th of May

USA: Mon, 31st May

-- These Dates will be cancelled

20MinBatched fee/fine notices

UXPROD-2252 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - the ability to send batched fee/fine notices

10MinPointing ProcessallGeneral discussion and special pointing for RA topics?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


  • Meeting dates will be cancelled due to national holidays: May 13, 24, 31
  • Sharon, PC updates. IRIS release will be on time. Hotfixes planned (5/28, 6/28) for data import. 
  • Elastic search, forming a working group to investigate contact Laura @cornell. SMEs needed ... one to two hours per week.
  • Darcy. Batched fee/fine notices, JIRA UXPROD-2252. serveral charges on a single notice. most commonly in aged to lost (lost item processing and item fee, would send out on two seperate notices). 
  • Scheduling: overnight batching and/or periodic scripted batching. Would it make more sense to have ability to add custom batch times? There is a feature for that.
  • Linked spreadsheet is a comprehensive summary of multiples on all types of notices with their priority as determined by the RA SIG.
  • would it make more sense to have ability to add custom batch times? feature for that. 
  • Is there a token in the f/f notice for total owed? total for the things on the notice or overall statement of patron total? There is a feature for total owed.
  • Please consider voting for set cost features on pointing process
  • Request queue prioritization. Currently is fifo. Also, we can manually reorder queue. Is there a reason to prioritize automated request queue prioritization - in the system? Doesn't seem like a priority.