2023-02-16 Metadata Management Meeting notes


~ 30

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Jennifer Eustis


Raegan and Felix can report as an update to the Parking Lot that the most important or close to completion items have been identified. These are now marked with an asterisk in the "status" column. We are in coordination with the POs on this.
PC update

No PC meeting today–Sharon will provide update---National Library of Australia will be implementing July/August SIG updates happened last PC meeting–ERM SIGworking on agreement types; Reporting SIG - Forum coming upcoming Feb 22nd and Sharon B. co-facilitating; Implementers looking at specific workflows implemented at libraries–label printing next; App interaction SIG-examining workflow solutions; RA SIG working on notices and succession to Holly for fees and fines (Cornelia is helping facilitate and working on some fee and fine issues)

PC subgroup work:

Prioritization and Roadmap group- working on implementing a tool to help institutions with prioritizing and bringing the data into JIRA; revising roadmap and visualization

Council leads working on definitions of FOLIO-Project, product, community

Onboarding - feedback on slides are being incorporated and will pilot the slides with LOC 

PC would like to meet with Khalilah Gambrell to talk about needs for PO and how the PC can help. This includes discussions on succession planning.

Any other questions, thoughts, ideas for the PC?

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

Is the bugfest channel still the Slack channel the primary means of communication? The was no announcement about the Orchid bugfest. Sharon will bring this back to PC and find out. Lee Braginsky is the new person in charge.

MARC SRS Search API demoJenn Colt

Use cases not covered by MARC search query api

Use cases not covered by MARC search query API: Use this wiki page to add your use cases on what you'd like the MARC search query API to do. Even if some add that the workaround is a separate tool such as LDP, this doesn't mean it is solved.

This tool was built when Cornell was going live. It is focused on code fields and date the record was created. It is an administrative data loading need that this tool was trying to fill.

This is an API. There's no user interface. You can use Postman or Insomnia for instance to post your queries. MARC search query API wiki page has examples on search queries. For example, there are examples on how to search the leader or the date in the 008.

For repeating fields, the search API doesn't work well. This search deals with instances. The results are not tag by tag. It returns the instances that fit the query.

For searches that might yield a large result set, ie. how many records have fast headings, the search can be slow. It is better to save the results to a file.

Searches that took long might be an indicator of performance issue.

If the search query has a syntax mistype, an error message will appear right away.

Question: Is this only marc bibs? Yes.

Question: What are Cornell's user experience? Is there a need for a real UI search? Cornell has LDP which is 24h behind. There is a need for real time checking. This is used by the data loading group.

Question: Would it be possible to find the 041$a and 041$h?  You can say something like 041$a = fre and 041$h = fre. Or you can create a script to bring in data and then compare.

Not everyone has access to the LDP and not everyone has access to the APIs. We really do a UI to search MARC bibs. The Library of Congress needs this as well. If there isn't already a user story, then we can create one. There is an issue for MARC cat and clone it for a UI to search marc bibs. Felix, Charlotte, and Raegan will look into this further. Do we want to include searching Bibframe in addition to MARC bibs? It might be better to have a story to talk about source records not just MARC. For additional comments, add those to our Slack channel.

For any questions contact Jenn Colt
