2020-06-15 EMWG Meeting
2020-06-15 EMWG Meeting
- Entity App Vision doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FaFYCXZIY-dN3QnifITi233q0GmVQqUJcUUSJlv-56s/edit?usp=sharing
- Work Area spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h2qJrlPIGKKIF9GGzfgtNwgRQw7AhmAD4G23ZTCHDzg/edit?usp=sharing
- Meeting work was done in the Entity App Vision doc. Individuals are identified to lead writing sections. All are encouraged to engage... but use "Suggesting" mode if not the lead author for the section
- Work Area spreadsheet - are the features listed ready to be moved into JIRA?
- Yes. Input as "Open" but first remove the non-features in the spreadsheet. Jason and Charlotte will discuss.
Action Items:
- All work on the vision doc as described above
- Jason/Charlotte: deal with JIRA
Future Meeting topics:
- what is the approach in FOLIO wrt: data modeling?
- what kinds of authority control services are expected in MARCcat?
- What is the relationship between SHARE-VDE & the J. Cricket editor with the work we're planning for FOLIO?