2023-06-06 EMWG Meeting

2023-06-06 EMWG Meeting


  1. Updates?
    1. Doug: put requirements into Miro board
    2. OCLC announcement this week around attempt to do more subfield controlling
    3. Jira assigned to Ann-Marie identifies shadowing of tenets in multi-institutional consortial implementation
    4. Use Case subgroup is being sunset and ownership of UCs moving to full EMWG
  2. Use Case prioritization : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13Jpzb3nI7jDLL0Bzh5t1JH5RRzgln98P/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104226061230195732602&rtpof=true&sd=true 
  3. Rescheduled to 6/20: Libris workflows (Andreas)

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