2022-10-25 EMWG Meeting

2022-10-25 EMWG Meeting

Attendees: Charlotte Whitt, Steven Folsom, Rita Albrecht, Jason Kovari, Nancy Lorimer, Sebastian Hammer, Wayne Schneider, Lisa McColl, Andreas Mace, Jeffery Gerhard, Christie Thomas, Jacquie Samples (mid-meeting)

Regrets: Thomas Trutt (had to leave early), Tiziana Possemato,


  1. Updates to agenda?
  2. Work to undertake:
    1. Environmental scan, outlining scope and goals of each effort
    2. Update Vision document to account for recent work
    3. Continue building on EMWG use cases
    4. Review LC LSP RFP to distill use cases and compare to EMWG's
    5. Review existing EBSCO work on linked data for alignment with EMWG use cases and LC LSP RFP distilled use cases
    6. Roadmap creation
    7. Notes:
      1. Opportunity for EBSCO-based dev team + EMWG to coordinate and collaborate. Might be missing: that dev team has an ambitious timeline and will want to move quickly. What can we do to support them? If we can work as a group supporting their work, will be more productive for us and community. EBSCO/LC work is very early in planning so the above tasks would be helpful for the development team.
      2. LC is in interest mostly for LC but not necessarily for international communities. More and more libraries in other cultural contexts have less stake in LC's development. Though some internationally are interested in the same work as LC
      3. Also, ERM was a great example that might be analogous to any EM-related work from LC/EBSCO
      4. Given where development with LC and EBSCO are, us doing this work now is good – esp since there are people on this group with hands-on BIBFRAME experience and entity experience more broadly
      5. To alleviate concerns that this is US-centric, can bring to table the realization and perspective that this is not just about BIBFRAME; EM is about living in a space where source of truth is outside of library.  Plus BIBFRAME is just one model, albeit something largely concerning for many.
      6. Getting connection to EBSCO soon is really important
      7. Use cases are in both vision document AND in the Use Cases page.
      8. A and B have to happen sequentially – environmental scan before vision doc updating
      9. Environmental scan versus use case – if the data flows in German might differ from North American (this is more of a use cases) whereas with Environmental scan that looks at work in FOLIO right now
      10. LEADS:
        1. Jacquie - use case development. Christie, Steven, Charlotte,
        2. Jason - environmental scan. Nancy, Rita, Lisa, Andreas, Sebastian, Wayne
  3. Organizing ourselves: concurrent sub-groups OR sequenced work?
    1. Concurrent  for 2.a-2.c, then linearly for 2.d-2.f.

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