2020-01-29 EMWG Meeting

2020-01-29 EMWG Meeting

Attendees: Jason, Steven, Lisa, Charlotte, Tiziana, Jacquie, Wayne, Christie

Regrets: none


  1. Follow-up on WOLF-CON meeting
    1. Environmental Scan
      1. connections to make
      2. document on the wiki
      3. SF: expansiveness of what are considered entities and types of entities. Was coming from a need to do authority maintenance; entities could include core bib description in a linked data space.
        1. Does our scope need to be limited in order to be productive? Not necessarily - need use cases for work areas unsolved, both historical and future-looking
        2. When compiling use cases, should be more inclusive – can acknowledge that we cannot do all at once... but inclusive use cases aid prioritization
    2. Use Cases
      1. list provided at WOLF-CON is not all-inclusive; this list should be somewhat incorporated into how we are building use cases
      2. Some examples: UXPROD-457 Bibframe2; 
UXPROD-152 Linked data
      3. What are the design principles of inventory? Context around FOLIO to better understand legit use cases? There are diagrams, mainly focusing on MARC workflows... 
        1. keep in mind - different institutions will use Inventory differently
        2. controlled terms in reference tables
        3. question re: whether FOLIO data models (e.g.: Item, Holdings, Instances) need to reflect other data models (e.g.: BIBFRAME, MODS, etc.)
        4. How does discovery work in here? What feeds discovery when we have these various models available?
          1. existing work at Duke wrt: Triangle research area shared discovery
          2. SHARE-VDE investigations at Chicago
          3. external data e.g.: LC's Hubs, SHARE-VDE's SuperWorks, etc., Wikidata, etc.
            1. FOLIO may be able to help manage services - manage data that may or may not be internal that facilitates extended/enhanced discovery
    3. General feedback: Wayne: Concerned where some people felt strongly there was no need for entity management, ignoring obvious use case of being able to link multiple resources to the same source entities. That we don't need this inside of FOLIO - it'll happen elsewhere
      1. address this in our use cases – be very, very specific. NLA's use case to create local entities when LC doesn't work for them. Ability to consume and make use of entities outside of the system. EM ecosystem that allows for internal/external entities managed in different ways for different needs
  2. Sequencing work
    1. vision statement first OR use cases first?
      1. Lisa & Jacquie: start with use cases and work on vision statement then - maybe toggle back and forth
      2. SHARE-VDE experience : better identify general vision statement (e.g.: movement from record to entity management system, pushing data to discovery layer, etc.). Core use cases could be better if we first define vision statement. What do we mean and what areas are we covering? 
      3. Wayne: stories about what we want to be able to do in system is first approach
      4. Steven: either way - stories and use cases before a committed definition or vision statement could yield that some stories or use cases don't fit - could help tune vision statement. Christie agrees.
    2. gaps analysis and project list come later
  3. Next steps

Reminder of expected outputs:

  1. A vision statement for managing entities across the FOLIO environment
  2. A gap analysis concerning FOLIO's functional requirements for handling entity-focused data models
  3. Use cases that would define projects
  4. A list of short-to-medium term projects that provide needed functionality or a service and that can act as a proof of concept or test bed

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