MM Reports Working Group

MM Reports Working Group


NameInstitutionArea(s) of knowledge/interest
Laura WrightCornellvery minimal SQL
Lisa FurubottenTAMU
Magda ZacharskaEBSCOSQL knowledge and familiarity with FOLIO APIs. Interested in overlapping between reports and exports.
Jessica JaneckiDuke
Leeda AdkinsDukedomain knowledge of Technical Services reporting needs
Lisa McCollLehighSQL knowledge. I'm interested in learning the FOLIO structure plus however API documentation figures into this.
Jennifer Eustis5 Colleges
Aaron Neslin5 Colleges
Christie ThomasUniversity of Chicago
Jenn ColtCornellBatch processing report needs, some SQL, some FOLIO API, some python, access, tableau, R
Mark ArnoldMissouri StateSQL knowledge

Raegan Wiechert

Missouri State
Kevin WalkerUniversity of AlabamaEx Officio (member of Reporting SIG)



Data elements parser

MM Report Clusters (spreadsheet, belongs to Reporting SIG)

Building a Prototype

Report Prototypes

Querying JSON fields in the LDP

MM-Collection Analysis Report Prototype

MM-External Holdings-HathiTrust

API Documentation

Inventory Beta Metadata Elements (spreadsheet)

Recording of Kickoff Meeting (7 Feb 2020)

Recording of Meeting 2 (continuation of kickoff meeting)

Instructions on how to set up a connection to the LDP

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