2019-03-14 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2019-03-14 Metadata Management Meeting notes


  • please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!

Discussion items

Product Council Update
  • Gap analysis feature ranking was discussed. Institutions are currently addressing this list. This will be due by the end of April.
  • Work was done to address 527 bugs. Anton said more resources are needed in this area.
  • Testing was done for Chalmers "go live".
  • Automated regression testing was performed.
  • Tech Council updated on the Codex Vision Document. General conclusion is that there are too many open questions and concerns. More discussion is needed. Proposed next step are to look into the impact on Chalmers.
  • All SIG conveners gave updates.
    • Laura reported that a few people from MM SIG will be working on a draft of the Inventory "vision." This document will come back to the MM SIG for comment. This is a high priority.
    • Authority discussion will begin. Where should authority data be held, beyond MARCCat? This group will need to make recommendations.
    • Work in mapping data from ArchivesSpace to Inventory is being done by a smaller sub-group. (EAD to Inventory mapping)
  • A June FOLIO meeting for select FOLIO members is being planned.

Subgroup Updates and Other Updates

Repeatable identifiers in InventoryAnn-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)

Valid vs invalid; normalization? How much information/detail is needed?

See also: JIRA ticket - UIIN-483 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This discussion will be postponed until next week.


Broad discussion: where should authority-type data live and be managed?

  • Questions about whether a separate app is needed, in the world of linked data, arose. Do we need locally stored data for authorities? What do want and need to have locally?
  • Note (via chat): "TAMU is working on creating an authority App for the repository ecosystem which we wonder if will work for FOLIO also, very preliminary." Lisa (TAMU) may be able to demo or arrange a demo of what is being worked on.
  • Christie proposed that use cases first be compiled into a spreadsheet. A subgroup then could be formed to work on the larger questions of authority control.
    • It was noted that the MARCCat authority control is only intended to be a "stop-gap" solution.
    • Sebastian said working out a model for authorities should be seen as a mainstream priority. He noted that it will become easier to disentangle authorities from MARCCat if the larger vision of authorities in FOLIO is addressed sooner. Can we create a place to store instances of authorities - whether stored remotely, locally or both?
    • Jason (Cornell) pointed out the complexity of using headings from the linked data world because of the need to adapt that heading for local purposes.

Spreadsheet created to gather "authority" data use cases: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Sy2rqXGQfzRLXVPEnJ7XNGyym3ymkOFkkror9eV4NGA/edit#gid=0

Other "parked" issues?

Future meeting topics

Repeatable identifiers in Inventory

Alternate Graphic Representations - when entities and words are/can be represented in more than one graphical form.

Mapping to Inventory beyond MARC

Authority Data


Search enhancements

Item record statuses and the apps that affect them




      Alice Krim
xAnn-Marie BreauxEBSCO

Ann KardosUMass Amherst
regretsCharlotte WhittIndex Data
xChristie Thomas

Colin Van AlstineSmith (FC)

Damian Biagi
xDennis ChristmanDuke University
xDracine HodgesDuke University

Filip Jakobsen
xJacquie SamplesDuke University
xJason Kovari

Jennifer EustisUMass Amherst
xJessica JaneckiDuke University
xLaura Wright

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M
xLisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa Sjögren

Lynn Whittenberger

Mary AlexanderUniv. of Alabama
xNatascha Owens

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty Wanninger
xSarah SchmidtDuke University

Tiziana Possemato

Theodor Tolstoy

Jenn Colt

Sarah Ross

Martina Schildt


Sara ColglazierMHC/5C

Nancy Lorimer


xAaron TrehubAuburn

Wayne SchneiderIndex Data

Kristen WilsonIndex Data