2023-07-18 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2023-07-18 Acquisitions Meeting notes




  • Business -

    • Open discussions for the first half of the meeting
    • Implementers' Topics - #81 (André Hohmann), #95 (Corrie Hutchinson ), #96 (Molly Driscoll Josh Roberts )
      • When creating a new PO or adding a new Invoice and doing an 'Organization look-up', the 'Search & filter' options not match those in the Organizations app.  Can we update the plugins to sync the too?
      • When creating a pre-set adjustment in Settings > Invoices > Adjustments, it would be great to be able to specify a default fund for an adjustment that is not pro-rated. An example would be a shipping/postage adjustment that always needs to come out of a specific postage fund. Currently there is no place to select the fund, so it must be manually applied on each invoice:
      • 81 - Enabling the deactivation of obsolete parameter values
      • 95 - Update Org search plugin 
      • 96 - Add option to indicate fund on a preset, not pro-rated adjustment

Discussion items

 :09Open time 
  • Juleah  Swanson (CU Boulder)
    • went live on June 19th, She appreciated reading through the notes and having this resource to prepare for the migration. 
  • Any comments on FY Rollover?
    • Lisa Smith - Mich. started on July 10th, ran all night, and was successful. 
    • General conversation on FY rollover experiences. 

Implementers' Topics - #81

Andre Hohmann
  • Implementers' Topics - #81 Enabling the deactivation of obsolete parameter values
  • t SLUB Dresden, obsolete parameter values are currently deactivated for users to avoid their use. However, the values should still be available for evaluations or administrative tasks. It is proposed that obsolete values of parameters can be deactivated in FOLIO.
    It could be implemented, for example, by offering an "inactive" checkbox for each parameter value. The checkbox must be activated manually, to deactivate a value. 

    DB Notes:

    • Proposing the addition of a status to all controlled vocabularies to allow users to remove them from select lists when the are no longer being used.
    • User would still be able to filter by deprecated terms as their could be records that still reference that term
    • The term would be identified as deprecated in the view of records it is referenced on

    Option 1

    • Implement a default value for prefix and suffix
    • Default would be selected automatically when creating new order

    Option 2

    • Allow the deprecation of values in the prefix controlled vocabulary
    • User would still be able to filter by deprecated terms as their could be records that still reference that term
    • The term would be identified as deprecated in the view of records it is referenced on

Andre: After the last discussion decided we don't need it anymore for the use case we originally described,  but it may be good for acquisitions methods or for closing purchase orders. 

Sara Colglaz: this is a good topic for the cross app group.

Conversations on use cases. 

A story will be created and moved forard. 

:51Implementers' Topics #95
Ticket is closed and set for release. 
:52Implementers' Topics #96

Add option to indicate fund on a preset, not pro-rated adjustment. 

Not discussed today.

:53Implementers' Topics #97
  • FOLIO invoice id vs. vendor invoice #
  • On Purchase Order screen, under "Related invoices" segment where invoices are listed, the first column is named "Invoice #" when the value displayed is actually FOLIO invoice id, not the actual vendor invoice # which does appear under the fourth column with a precise name "Vendor invoice number" (see attached screenshot).   It's a bit misleading the heading of the first column to be "invoice #" when it's not the actual invoice # from vendor that most acquisitions staff refer to and use on regular basis.   Wondering if it makes sense to re-label the heading of the first column to something else such as "FOLIO invoice id" or "FOLIO invoice reference #" to convey what the data really represents and to reduce confusion?!
  • Heather McMillan to Everyone 12:58 PM
    yes - vendor invoice #

    Kimberly Pamplin  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    Yes to vendor invoice number. We do not use folio #.

    scolglaz  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    Yes, The VENDOR Invoice #

    Scott Perry (UChicago)  to  Everyone 12:58 PM
    We did. The vendor invoice number is the most important.

    Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:58 PM
    If something else could be hyperlinked, I'm for getting rid of invoice #

  • Dennis: There might be a story for this already, can't remember for sure. Will look into. 

Action items


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