2023-07-07 Acquisitions Meeting notes



Aaron NeslinJulie StaufferNancy PelisWinter White
Ann CrowleyKathleen NortonOkay Okonkwo
Dennis BridgesKimberly WiljanenOwen Stephens
Dung-Lan ChenKristin MartinPeter Breternitz
Dwayne SwigertLisa MayburyPeter Sbrzesny
Hansie GrignonLucinda WilliamsRobert Heaton
Heather McMillanMarie MeyerSara Colglazier
Jackie MagagnoscMartina KarlssonScott Perry
Jean PajerekMartina SchildtSylvia Hamann
Joanna CerroMasayo UchiyamaTimothy Nelson


Discussion items

    • FYRO updates from anyone who's recently done it or are getting ready to do it
Dung Lan
  • Dung-Lan discussed their FYRO and reminded us of the page she created for FYRO warnings/error/failed/success messages. 
  • Scott Perry (UChicago) discussed  their  FYRO
    • Dennis Bridges 8:09 AM
      Thanks Scott, yes the POL linking is an issue only with Nolana and another thing that the FYRO script was built to resolve.

      Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:09 AM
      This was our second rollover.

  • Cornell rolled over on Orchid and was successful on the 2nd attempt. There are still some quirks to work out. There are multiple scripts that have to be run when self hosting. There is a JIRA ticket out there for that. 
  • Sara: They just rolled over last night. Theirs was very simple. 
  • Dennis Bridges 8:14 AM
    We are working on more performance improvement for rollover in the Poppy release under https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-4387. Then a series of functional improvements under https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-4368 that we will need to discuss with this group in preparation for Q release.
  • Dennis: They have had a lot of feedback. Divided into 2 groups. 1st one is performance and stability and are in UXPROD 4387. 
  • Scott Perry (UChicago) 8:18 AM
    We were also very simple like Sara, no allocations and only moving remaining encumbrances on one-time orders.  Note that even though you don’t formally select ongoing orders to rollover they still create a 0 encumbrance in the new fiscal year so that adds to the complexity.
Kristin Martin
  • PC Update (Kristin Martin ) -

    • 2023-06-29 Product Council Meeting notes
      • Report from the FOLIO Retreat in Chicago
      • Desire to work with SIGs better on prioritization and better understanding of desired features and upcoming features
      • Working with Community Council and Technical Council to define a FOLIO Developer Advocate to help support developers who may be working independently or new to FOLIO development
      • Elections and roles for PC - I'll continue to be the liaison to Acquisitions SIG. Still looking for new co-chair for PC
  • Implementers Topics #91 
  • Inventory: adding additional acquisition data in the item record
  • Key thing_ Displaying cost information in Inventory. 
  • Several use cases, there are situations where the cost is straight forward and is good to have when an item is lost and a patron needs to know what the replacement cost is. Things can also have a replacement cost that is not based on what was paid, ex if a fixed fee is in place instead of actual replacement cost. This is where we can capture more detail. Is there more information on having a flat fee. 
  • Paivi Rentz 8:35 AM
    Flat fee is used for gifts or older items for which there is no cost stored

  • Heather McMillan 8:35 AM
    Or you lose your invoice history in the migration process....

  • Paivi Rentz 8:37 AM
    Value can change both ways, up or down, over time
  • Dennis: Is the flat fee for replacement based on material type?
    • Sara: In old system you could distinguish. You could have a category where anything with this designation, you could make it x value for billing purposes. And then it had a code where you could a specific cost for that item.
    • scolglaz 8:40 AM

    • Aaron Neslin  to  Everyone 8:40 AM
      how would this compare to "Actual cost" set in the item record?

    • Paivi Rentz 8:40 AM
      We use material type for the determination when there is no cost stored for the item

    • Paivi Rentz 8:43 AM
      In practice, our circ staff has adjusted costs if they are exorbitant. They would search for the items at Amazon to determine current value. Whatever the value is in the system, you have to allow for being able to adjust it
    • scolglaz 8:44 AM
      And it needs to live at the Item.
    • Paivi Rentz 8:47 AM
      Estimated cost is helpful for recently published material
    • Paivi Rentz 8:49 AM
      Circulation staff is not always able to spend time verifying prices, so it is helpful to have SOME KIND OF PRICE in the system, even if it is not exactly current
      For equipment, we have entered the specific item costs in the item records (in III)
    • Paivi Rentz 8:53 AM
      We do not purchase equipment through the acquisitions budget, so often there is not an order for equipment. Therefore we have to enter the price while creating the record
    • Aaron Neslin 8:53 AM
      calling attention to UXPROD-2245 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Dennis: How would you expect to handle the situation when the when the cost on the invoice line is not representative of the actual cost for multiple reasons.  Invoice has a quantity. 
    • Paivi Rentz 8:57 AM
      We have not had much success getting receiving to split the cost of a multi-volume set price. Our circ or collection development has dealt with this situation by adjusting the billed cost when billed
    • Dung-Lan Chen 9:00 AM
      Sorry I have to jump off for a 10 am Reference Desk shift!  Heather will continue to host. Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • Dennis: I think we are at a point where we can create a story. Will create a JIRA for this. 

Action items
