2024-10-10 Metadata Management Meeting notes
Meeting time: 11:30 AM EDT, 05:30 PM CEST, 04:30 PM BST
Meeting URL: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting . The meeting password can be found here.
Oct 10, 2024
Note taker
Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors, Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens
Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/
Discussion items
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Announcements | Charlotte: Yogesh Kumar has set up a wiki document to gather input on clean up of the Bugfest dataset for the Bugfest Ramsons environment. Please review the environment for any other obvious data issues and add comments https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DQA/pages/203685917 . The Pre-Bugfest Ramsons environment will be available until Tuesday, 10/15/2024. All feedback should be submitted also by Tuesday, 10/15/2024. WOLFcon 24 MM SIG sessions: Meeting notes available for working session and you can see all MM SIG related sessions in sched (with slides and recordings as available). | |
WolfCon update: inventory/MARC authority prioritization | @Christine Schultz-Richert | See summary & original presentation: Search & browse prioritization session |
Series browse | @Christine Schultz-Richert | Main task: Talk about the way we navigate between series and instances Previous MM SIG session on series browse. Gathered use cases during last session, but would like better understanding of real world process flow. Miro board and discussion.
PC updates | @Charlotte Whitt | 2024-10-10 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes Announcements: LoC is on track. Expect to be working in production next week on Order-based Acquisitions. Full roll out of FOLIO will be June 2, 2025. Proposed plan: Wrap up the work in the Prioritization and Road map working group. Transition steps: Evaluate/review if the prioritisation process can follow the Acquisition SIG's way to prioritize new work. Data Import planning is following the Acquisition model. Future road map work belongs in the respective SIG. The PC will loop in the SIG conveners, SIG Liaisons, and the Product Owners and/or Scrum Masters in a joint meeting as kick off (maybe early November), and then continued conversations in the SIGs. Jesse will partipate together with the SIG liaisons in the SIG meetings. Important that there is alignment. A combination of straw man and conversation. Caitlin underlined that this should feed into the release planning - next flower release to do this planning towards the Trillium (R2 2025) release. Jennifer Eustis suggested that for the SIG priorities this could be part of the SIG reports once or twice a year. Set up Google Calendar function for the PC. Using the OLF Google calendar structure. To be further discussed at the OLF Officers meeting. Self Evaluation Checklist / Actions document - Review of any proposed new apps. Review early, and in code time before the Technical Council review process. Work already in progress that needs completion: PC Working Group on Better Sample Data. Anything the MM-SIG want me to bring back to the PC? |
BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists App) | Jennifer Eustis | No meeting this week. |
Data Import Working Group | Jennifer Eustis | 2024-10-09 Data Import Subgroup meeting There is now a roadmap, Data Import Roadmap: Ramsons, Sunflower, & beyond. We discussed enhancements to the set for delete function which include:
quickMARC Subgroup update | Raegan Wiechert | No meeting |
08:50:13 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Let me take a look in Jira :-)
08:56:07 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
So you are right Christine that there is no jira on filtering by Created by story.
In UIIN-759 there is following note:
Created by – to be implemented later (when we can ensure this to be suppressed from the UI by the European libraries according to GDPR, Employment agreement)
08:58:37 From Julie Darken to Everyone:
To me, browse is useful to look at a list of series with similar titles
08:59:08 From Jennifer Eustis to Everyone:
Reacted to "To me, browse is use..." with ➕
08:59:16 From Ryan Tamares - Stanford Law Library to Everyone:
Reacted to "To me, browse is use..." with ➕
08:59:32 From Magda Gad to Everyone:
Reacted to "To me, browse is use..." with ➕
09:00:13 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Some series have subseries
09:01:09 From Julie Darken to Everyone:
If you already know the series title and you want to see bib records/instances as Felix said, then search is more useful
09:01:44 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Replying to "Some series have sub..."
I would start with browse for these, to see if they are cataloged separately (under their own title level call number) or under the series call number appended with volume numbers
09:02:55 From Ryan Tamares - Stanford Law Library to Everyone:
Replying to "Some series have sub..."
Another use case for browse is to check for consistency in the series titles. I hope this isn’t jumping ahead
09:03:02 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:
Reacted to "If you already know ..." with ➕
09:03:18 From Julie Darken to Everyone:
Reacted to "Another use case for..." with 👍
09:03:57 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Replying to "Some series have sub..."
Revue des lettres modernes is an example of this.
09:04:04 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:
Reacted to "Another use case for..." with 👍
09:04:23 From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone:
Reacted to "Another use case for..." with 👍
09:04:30 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Replying to "Some series have sub..."
Lots of sub series with Revue des lettres modernes
09:05:31 From Sheila Torres-Blank (she,her) to Everyone:
Consistency of heading string.
09:05:34 From Julie Darken to Everyone:
I take consistency to mean that the authorized access point is being used
09:05:42 From Ryan Tamares - Stanford Law Library to Everyone:
Reacted to "I take consistency t..." with ➕
09:05:49 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Reacted to "I take consistency t..." with ➕
09:06:04 From Sheila Torres-Blank (she,her) to Everyone:
Reacted to "I take consistency t..." with 👍
09:07:29 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Replying to "Some series have sub..."
Revue des lettres modernes. Arthur Rimbaud ; Revue des lettres modernes. Claude Simon ; Revue des lettres modernes. Joris-Karl Huysmans
09:08:59 From Julie Darken to Everyone:
With browse, would we also want to consider any differences with browsing series access points that begin with a corporate or personal name, as well as those that are simply a title string
09:10:29 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
@ Felix maybe see if there are any authorized titles in your national catalog? You could always try the Library of Congress authorities: https://authorities.loc.gov
09:11:12 From Amanda Scott to Everyone:
Searching might be useful if you aren't sure of the exact title but know some of the words (assuming search would be keyword-based; apologies if you've already said it would not be!).
09:11:58 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Unless we add boxes for subseries and volumes/numberings into the Instance records?
09:12:26 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:
Replying to "@ Felix maybe see if..."
What I mean is that we have all this information in MARC (and PICA), but in the instance it's concatinated into one large string field. e.g.:
036E ƒaCollection cahiersƒhL'Union sociale pour l'habitatƒpRepèresƒmno 33 (avril 2017)ƒpPolitique de la ville et renouvellement urbain
becomes in FOLIO:
Collection cahiers / L'Union sociale pour l'habitat. Repères ; no 33 (avril 2017). Politique de la ville et renouvellement urbain
09:12:56 From Amanda Scott to Everyone:
09:15:36 From Lisa Furubotten TA&M to Everyone:
I like the idea of checking the series for consistency, but won't either search not retrieve anything item with a difference or error in the series statement
09:15:45 From Amanda Scott to Everyone:
Replying to "Yes."
Oh, an update: in addition to looking for instances, a search like the one I described above could be used to identify the exact name of the series in question.
09:16:05 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Replying to "@ Felix maybe see if..."
Maybe breaking up the series statement into a set of pieces: a box for main series title, sub series, numbering scheme?
09:20:06 From Christine Schultz-Richert (EBSCO) to Everyone:
Reacted to "So you are right Chr..." with ❤️