2023-04-13 Metadata Management Meeting notes


~ Raegan Wiechert Charlotte Whitt 

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Charlotte Whitt volunteered to take notes.


New members from MOL (Polen). Gosia and Jacek Gajkiewiczi ntroduced themselves, and three attendees from Warsaw University Library. Warsaw University Library is the hos for the Union Catalogue, mainly university libraries, and also some public libraries.
PC update

The Tri-Council meeting will take place the PC meeting time for this week- Unfortunately  I have a conflict with an event at Lehigh and cannot attend the tri-council meeting.  Can those that attend report to the SIG? THANKS

Charlotte will insert link to slide deck ... and add more notes here

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

Jenifer pointed to the MM and Bulk edit dashboard created by Jenn Colt. 

Release Notes are still being populated.

FOLIO storing settings in local storage or session: We've noticed in the 5 Colleges that when we upgrade sometimes settings from the previous flower release persist. We have a policy to clear our browser's cache, cookies and session information before each flower upgrade. We also ask people to log out before the flower upgrade. Even with that, settings persist and people have to repeat this process multiple times to see the settings for the upgrade. Sometimes, people see different flower releases in different tabs (Nolana in one and Morning Glory in another). Has anyone else seen this?

Christie T. mentioned that uChicago also did see this issue, but not anymore. Christie explained that uChicago's hosting provider on the landing page explicit mention what the current release for the given environment is. 

Orchid PO updateAnn-Marie Breaux (Deactivated) 

Data Import Orchid Release Overview

Important slide - when upgrading to Orchid, all hosting providers need to be aware about mapping changes for MARC Authority Record's to support linking to bibs. See also detailed info on the release notes.

Highlight demo: Demo of data import of orders in MARC format.

Demo of edit of field mapping profile https://bugfest-orchid.int.aws.folio.org/settings/data-import/mapping-profiles/view/604b5661-b94f-419a-afdd-c36e46d75d31?query=demo&sort=name

When doing user acceptance testing following issues tripped people off a little bit:

1) Check in Settings > Orders > Approval to know if your institution has set Approval as required for Open Orders

2) Also be aware about, that you can only import orders for a given Acquisition unit, if you are a member of this given Acquisition unit, and have the necessary permissions. 

NOTE: For Orchid Data Import can only create one holdings, and one item per Instance. 

With the Poppy release it will be possible to import multiple holdings and multiple items


10:32:07 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    Lloyd, I always love seeing the Marmot avator
10:32:16 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
10:32:26 From  Lloyd (Marmot Library Network)  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "*avatar" with 😀
10:33:55 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "*avatar" with 😀
10:37:51 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
    Gosia, will you add here the name of the university you just referred to. Just for me to get it right in the meeting notes
10:40:33 From  Gosia  to  Everyone:
    University of Warsaw Library :)
10:42:13 From  Gosia  to  Everyone:
    Host of https://centrum.nukat.edu.pl/en/
10:50:46 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    Jennifer, it would be a good idea to get screenshots I think... because this might keep happening
10:52:00 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Part of the problem is that the UI loads the current stuff but the api calls go to the old one, or so it appeared to me
10:52:31 From  Christie Thomas (she/her)  to  Everyone:
    Oh! I have not noticed that the API calls are to early versions of FOLIO. I don’t know how you would know that.
10:52:55 From  Christie Thomas (she/her)  to  Everyone:
    How did you identify that problem, Jenn?
10:52:57 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Someone would report something and there would be no occurrence of it in the current application log, only the old one
10:53:09 From  Christie Thomas (she/her)  to  Everyone:
    Oh! That is bad.
10:53:18 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "Jennifer, it would b..." with 💯
10:53:33 From  Christie Thomas (she/her)  to  Everyone:
    I am really horrified to hear that. Did you file a bug?
10:53:54 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    oh good (that you took screenshots)
10:53:58 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    No because it seemed too weird. I think we just kept refreshing, cache cleaning until it went away
10:54:13 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    I've had other systems gaslight me like this, it's maddening
10:54:25 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Would some one please share the link to the tracker that Jen showed a bit ago?
10:54:25 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    It would only happen to one or two people
10:54:51 From  Jenn Colt  to  Everyone:
    Replying to "Would some one pleas..."
    This one https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12232 ?
10:55:06 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Replying to "Would some one pleas..."
10:55:42 From  Christie Thomas (she/her)  to  Everyone:
    I definitely think we need a way to track this kind of behavior and inform others about what to look out for.
10:55:59 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "I definitely think w..." with 👍🏼
10:56:05 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "I definitely think w..." with 💯
10:56:14 From  Jennifer Eustis  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "I definitely think w..." with 💯
11:09:28 From  Bob Scheier (Holy Cross)  to  Everyone:
    Does the hosting agency need to do something for these mapping changes to be reflected in records already loaded, e.g., the type mapping improvement?
11:10:39 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "I definitely think w..." with ✔️
11:11:53 From  Bob Scheier (Holy Cross)  to  Everyone:
11:42:39 From  Natalie Sommerville  to  Everyone:
    Thanks Ann-Marie an all.  I've got to hop off.
12:00:19 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    very useful
12:00:20 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
    Thanks, Ann-Marie!
12:00:24 From  Ryan Tamares - Stanford Law Library  to  Everyone:
    Thank you!
12:00:24 From  Bob Scheier (Holy Cross)  to  Everyone:
    Thanks Ann-Marie
12:00:59 From  Laura D (she/they)  to  Everyone:
    change log!!!!!!
12:01:08 From  Jacquie Samples -- Duke  to  Everyone:
    Reacted to "change log!!!!!!" with 👏🏼