2023-01-26 Metadata Management Meeting notes


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items




PC update
  • Roadmap and Prioritization group is meeting on Wednesdays at 9:00 am ET- Jesse K. is the lead 
    • Start with reviewing the roadmap and review the prioritization process software tools
  • Onboarding subgroup shared their slides and will be open for comments for 2 weeks
    •  these slides will be used to get others involved once MOU is signed and have conversations with new members
    • LOC will be a test group for this presentation
  • Said goodbye to Holly M. and thanks for all her work on FOLIO; she is leaving us with a transition document- Cornelia and others are helping out for fees and fines for now 
  • Council updates:  
    • Community Council 
    • Sunsetting discuss platform
    • preparing for next Council elections Harry and council chairs- need qualified volunteers for CC
    • Funding- sufficient and meeting our ongoing expenses
    • Technical edit funding- Marcia covered for about 4 months 
    • Anton's job scope and filling this position-not finalized
    • Resourcing group still preparing final report
    • Changes in governance - how to handle ties in elections; memberships levels reviewed
    • Technical Council:
      • Mod Settings approved - need to review module process 
      • How to guide configuration settings- move to decentralized or centralized configuration
      • How Kafka is used with an eye to reduce hosting costs
    • PO
      • Need PO for fees and fines
      • Cornelia will be in charge of testing for Orchid
      • New PO Christine from Ebsco working on quickMarc on Spitfire
      • Orchid release dashboard and working on Poppy scope
  • Release planning group meeting: Need a definition for this group and Kristin and Jenn Colt were invited to this meeting and they want to clarify the role of this group; timeline for Poppy on the wiki
    • Scope timelines trying to be worked out and draft for scope 
    • Propokovych how to address with the team and resources going away TAMU cannot contribute their developers anymore to this team- TAMU will have a new development team in FOLIO
      • So what should the PC help with and how does the PO group, PC transition this and find development resources? WHO is going to take the responsibilities for these resource needs and changes in the project
      • Charlotte has been waiting since summer to be released and no PO found and still working in Nolana she needs to get out of this PO role

Data Import: Seeking examples of MARC records for any MARC Modifications actions for modifying the 001, LDR, and/or fixed fields in incoming MARC bibliographic records. MODDATAIMP-767 - Data Import MARC Modification Mapping for MARC Fixed Fields, LDR, 001 Open 

Review of the parking lot

Continued from last week

MM SIG Parking Lot (restructured)

The previous MM SIG Parking Lot (Old) has been renamed and moved under the new parking lot.

Discussion about whether the topics are still relevant and need to be added to a future agenda. Possibly create an archive for the topics that are retired from the list

Referential cataloging - term used early in the project - copy cataloging / pointing to external cataloging. We have already made a lot of decisions that have moved us away from this model of cataloging within FOLIO. Suggestion that we remove this from the list and if we do need to revisit it the SIG should redefine our needs based on the current cataloging ecosystem / roadmap within FOLIO. 

Where does discovery come from - Is this done or are there other discussions around suppression and where discovery data comes from. There are future questions about non-marc sources of data and what elements are missing for Discovery. Maybe reach out to the discovery working group in FOLIO for periodic updates? Maybe MM Sig needs a liason to the discovery group to make sure that communications and discussions are in sync. Is there anyone in the MM Sig who is on the discovery working group. (Confirm with Jenn Colt that she will provide updates to MM Sig from the Discovery group.)  Discovery Integration Subgroup (Is the group still active? Anecdotal evidence suggests it is though the wiki page suggests that the group was intended to end late in 2022.)

Protecting local edits - There are system wide protected fields and the ability to over. Still a discussion topic for data import subgroup. Not yet is there the ability to protect a field just in one load, nor are there protected fields for editing in quickmarc or inventory. 

Multiple graphical representations - this is still important. There are still questions about how exactly we want this implemented. Perhaps we need to involve technical council and entity management? And our FOLIO colleagues in China? How do we have a single entity with multiple scripts available. Right now we have to represent the two scripts as two different scripts. We need more discussion in MM SIG before bumping this up. Once we have the discussion we can determine who we need to push the discussion out to. 

Linking fields and bound withs - Is there ongoing work? Some of the relationships are working. We should revisit to collect all relations that we could have so that we identify relationships that are missing. Question: How does this relate to requesting items? Make a new topic for related instances and loop in the PO for requests?

Inventory search / symbols - from before elastic search was implemented. Still a discussion, but maybe we need to wait until after Orchid to see if still a problem. Need to consider this from the perspective of languages other than English. 

Syncing holdings and item data with bibliographic data - Has not been addressed. Maybe a future discussion and possibly referred to entity management. 

Search result display issues - We all know that this needs to be discussed and that Charlotte is actively working on some aspects of this. Results display needs to be given more development resources. Work also needs to be done at the tenant level if not the individual user level. Topic should be escalated to the PC so that it is high on their list when they are defining the roadmap. Potentially also reach out to the implementers SIG. Current implementation is thin-thread implementation from 5 years ago. It is blocking a lot of feature development. 

Ordering of holdings and items on records - Many different opinions on what the default sort order should be and it should be decided by the tenant rather than the FOLIO community. Also an issue about sorting repeatable properties within the holdings and item records. (Also true for instance records?) 

Preliminary item status work(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee 

UXPROD-3475 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Questions about keeping Data import and Inventory behavior in sync - Data import item status restrictions

  • In transit
  • On order
  • Order closed
  • Withdrawn

There is no identified release or identified resources for this. Defining issues in Jira provides a framework for identifying the resources and that is what is being done now. 

It is not possible to change an item status to Available from within Inventory. There are use cases for this. Changes are to the Inventory UI and would allow to change to Available when item record status is in the list. Two stories: one for Inventory behavior and one for permissions.

There is a question about whether this work may be more complicated given any dependencies on the underlying item statuses.

Given the focus on using check-in to make items available, should we consider leveraging the check-in api from within Inventory to check something in? 

Another question came up about the business logic associated with receiving - on order to in process. Will this impact any of that business logic? Breaking workflows is also the possibility for other statuses that have workflows associated with them. 

Another concern was raised about the prescriptive nature of this. If there are no system-wide ramifications then maybe we should implement in a way to allow institutions to determine their workflows rather than they system. There were also concerns that doing so would create problems with workflows in other institutions. This will be discussed more at the acquisitions sig, which is the next step for this JIRA. 


0:31:03 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
10:31:17 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
10:37:34 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    I am glad to say goodbye to Discuss, as it's so infrequently used now it doesn't seem an effective form of communication. Slack works better, in my opinion.
10:37:49 From Jenn Colt To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I am glad to say goo..." with 👍
10:37:54 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I am glad to say goo..." with 👍
10:38:20 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I am glad to say goo..." with 👍
10:39:03 From Index Data To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I am glad to say goo..." with 👍
10:41:19 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
10:42:23 From Sharon Wiles-Young To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I am glad to say goo..." with 👍
10:45:14 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    I'm so glad that you don't know this term either. That would be my first question.
10:45:22 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I'm so glad that you..." with 💯
10:47:02 From Natalie Sommerville To Everyone:
    +1 Laura
10:47:33 From Erin Nettifee To Everyone:
    I'm here 👋🏻 whenever ya'll are ready for me.
10:47:37 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    +1 based on what referential catalog means
10:48:02 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    +1 charlotte
10:48:08 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    +1 charlottte
10:48:12 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
10:48:26 From Ros, Amanda L To Everyone:
    create an archive?
10:49:09 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    +1 Amanda - an archive might be a good idea with a date and reason it was added to the archive
10:50:22 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    big thanks to Erin for taking on this work ❤️
10:50:49 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    I've moved the status column to the beginning of the parking lot table and untied it from the Jira status. We could define a status that indicates that this topic is outdated.
10:52:03 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
10:57:37 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    I think that is an interesting idea, Erin.
10:59:23 From Jenn Colt To Everyone:
    In process can also get assigned by data import
11:02:07 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    When does an item get the status "order closed"? Is this tied to certain reasons for closure?
11:02:38 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    right, there needs to be a way, at least, to override any of these restrictions
11:04:39 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) To Everyone:
    Is there an Item Status: Order Closed?
11:04:46 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    +100 Christie
11:06:15 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Items with Order closed are they being shown in the patron faced discovery?
11:06:42 From Erin Nettifee To Everyone:
    dunno charlotte
11:06:50 From Raegan Wiechert To Everyone:
    I would imagine that would be institution specific. Some do, some don't
11:06:57 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I would imagine that..." with 👍
11:08:24 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "I would imagine that..." with 👍
11:08:44 From Erin Nettifee To Everyone:
11:12:28 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    Yes, we should be able to implement the workflows we want/need, rather than have them dictated by the limitations in the system. I completely agree with Christie.
11:13:00 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    MODINV-377:  Documentation of current implementation of Item statuses:
11:18:31 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    I think the problems should be addressed if we are visiting new functionality for item state.
11:18:41 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    Thank you for doing this work!
11:20:50 From Natalie Sommerville To Everyone:
    Thanks, Erin.
11:22:33 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    I think there's a discovery working group for FOLIO too that is working on this
11:22:55 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Yes, there is an active group working on discovery
11:23:40 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    +1 Christie. Because we don't all use the same discovery systems or ways we get the data to discovery
11:24:01 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    Would it make sense to have a liaison?
11:24:12 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    That is a good idea Jennifer.
11:25:25 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
11:27:20 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Field bases permissions. Laura was ahead of her time
11:27:24 From Natalie Sommerville To Everyone:
11:28:32 From Natalie Sommerville To Everyone:
    Duke currently uses protected data both to identify extracts for pushing data to other systems/workflows and, of course, to maintain data that supports discovery.
11:30:06 From Natalie Sommerville To Everyone:
    +1 to all Laura said
11:30:30 From Ryan Tamares (he/him) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "+1 to all Laura said" with ➕
11:31:06 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Felix, it might be interesting for the MM-SIG to get a presentation on the work we are doing on protection of specific data properties for libraries using the CBS to FOLIO work flow
11:32:13 From Jessica Janecki she/her/hers To Everyone:
    I think we need to bump this up to tech council
11:32:19 From Jessica Janecki she/her/hers To Everyone:
    We have discussed this A LOT
11:33:10 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    That is a good suggestion, Christie
11:33:24 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    Reacted to "That is a good sugge..." with 💯
11:33:39 From Jessica Janecki she/her/hers To Everyone:
    Christie, the entities are only part of the picture with non-Latin scripts
11:33:49 From Jessica Janecki she/her/hers To Everyone:
    Transcription fields are the most important piece of this
11:33:49 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    To be honest, I don’t think this is something the TC can help us to solve
11:34:27 From Lisa F. (Cataloging) To Everyone:
    So curious, what does this question look like to our Chinese FOLIO colleagues?
11:35:43 From Lisa F. (Cataloging) To Everyone:
    IF they own a book in English?
11:35:44 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    We could ask Lucy liu
11:35:59 From Ryan Tamares (he/him) To Everyone:
    Discovery implications, too?
11:36:25 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Replying to "Discovery implicatio..."
    Not when the records are loaded from SRS.
11:38:29 From Jennifer Eustis (she/her) To Everyone:
    Have we looked into how this relates to requesting items?
11:39:38 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
11:40:35 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    Jenn is willing to give us updates on the work of the Discovery group
11:40:53 From Jessica Janecki she/her/hers To Everyone:
    I don't think the display issues for RA have been worked out yet. RA will need to make decisions about what they want to display where.
11:41:50 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    + 1 Jessica
11:43:56 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    The channel is #test-msearch-inventory
11:48:49 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    Search results display needs to be given more development resources!
11:49:09 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    +1 laura
11:49:24 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Search results displ..." with ➕
11:49:44 From Rita Albrecht To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Search results displ..." with 👍🏼
11:53:11 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    Resource Access sig may be interested as well
11:53:13 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Reacted to "Search results displ..." with 👍🏼
11:53:34 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Yes, good point
11:53:57 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    YES to tenant level settings for default sort
11:54:21 From Rita Albrecht To Everyone:
    Reacted to "YES to tenant level ..." with 👍🏼
11:54:25 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Reacted to "YES to tenant level ..." with 👍🏼
11:54:45 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "YES to tenant level ..." with 👍🏼
11:56:04 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    I think some additional element is needed in order to preserve a different sort order.
11:56:12 From Raegan Wiechert To Everyone:
11:56:13 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    Replying to "I think some additio..."
    in both holdings and items
11:56:55 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    this is a huge issue for our serials people
11:57:13 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    This should be added as new row in the parking lot
11:57:14 From Lynne Fors To Everyone:
    Reacted to "This should be added..." with 👍
11:57:17 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    Reacted to "This should be added..." with 👍
11:57:47 From Christie Thomas (she/her) To Everyone:
    I need to leave soon, so I will need to stop taking notes. Thanks for a great meeting.
11:57:49 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
    Reacted to "This should be added..." with 👍
11:57:52 From Natalie Sommerville To Everyone:
    Thanks everyone.  I need to get to my next meeting.
11:58:04 From Felix Hemme (ZBW) To Everyone:
    Thanks Christie!
11:58:46 From Joshua Barton To Everyone:
    Raegan, would be interested to know how you handled this via API.
12:00:43 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
    sorry, I need to drop off; great meeting, thanks Raegan and Felix
12:01:03 From Joshua Barton To Everyone:
    Will do. Thanks.
12:01:39 From Ryan Tamares (he/him) To Everyone:
    thank you!