2020-07-16 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-07-16 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

2minAdministrivia Andrea Loigman
20minItem StatusUpdates from item status group: tracking item status historyReview item status history wireframe. Solicit feedback/concerns on data captured/not captured in wireframe.
20minItem recordsFollow up on Fast Add records- Review Kimie's new mockups for Check out page: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yUAeP4cDMsexe1hy1IaFWdNh6GTfN8iL
- Discuss Charlotte's proposal to have Fast adds identified by an Instance status value: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-1057?focusedCommentId=82440&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-82440
- Discuss how we might set the defaults for Instance status and, possibly, suppress from discovery for Fast add.
10minItem SearchItem search and select popup follow uphttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-284

Revisit priority of this feature with SIG. Based on last conversation, it did not seem this was really a go-live blocker, as indicated by most institutions. We have confirmed with Dennis that this isn't an Acquisitions go-live blocker either. Can people adjust their rankings?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
Item statusEmma Boettcher
"Reason" was not needed as a table column on the Tracking status history UI.There was enough information in other fields.

Fast add recordCate Boerema (Deactivated)
"Suppress by discovery" should be checked by default for fast adds settings?

Fast add recordCate Boerema (Deactivated)
The fast add record creation screen should show the instance status and make it editable.If the fast add is a barcoded book that needs cataloging attention, then the status should reflect that. If the fast add is a laptop that doesn't need to go to cataloging, then it should have a different status.


RA SIG meetings are cancelled for July 23 and 27.

Item Status Group report and questions (Emma): 
Emma showed a mock-up of a "Tracking Status History" user interface.

  • Emma asked what data was needed for this screen.
  • As presented, it included the following fields: From, What, When, Field, Original Value, New value, App, Reason.
  • The field names were taken from an old document so may need to be updated. UI testing process will show that.
  • The table will not record anything if a status is not changed.
  • There was discussion about whether it should include a where field and if the Reason field is valuable.
  • As far as the RA SIG was concerned, the Reason field could go away.

Fast add record creation UI mock-ups (Kimie and Cate):

  • There was general discussion about the UI of the screen.
  • Cate specifically asked if the "New fast add record" button should be blue or white. The group said white.

Fast add record flagging (Cate)

  • Fast add records will be flagged by the "Instance status" field. Such fields are specified by each institution in the Settings app.
  • There will have to be added settings.
  • Cate asked if if "Suppress by discovery"  should be checked by default, in the Settings app, for fast add items. "Yes" was the consensus.
  • Cate asked if the instance status field should show on the fast add record creation UI. The consensus was that it should be shown.
  • Showing the status is important because people might want to change it. Not every fast add will need to go to cataloging or not go to cataloging. The record creator should be able to specify what instance status is appropriate.
  • If people have the UI to change instance status, it should probably not list all possible statuses but only ones appropriate during fast adding. The problem with this is that it would require more developer time.
  • Permissions related to creating fast adds will be the same as creating new items in the Inventory app. This could be a problem for some institutions but creating the feature will add software development time.

Item lookup at check out

  • A past RA SIG meeting seemed to indicate that the ability to lookup an item by title in the Check Out app was not an MVP feature. That said, the JIRA ticket indicated it was for many institutions. Cate wanted to clarify if it was nor was not. There was no consensus. She emphasized that every institution should make sure the JIRA Tickets reflected what the institution wanted them to.

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