2020-06-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes
2020-06-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes
- Andrea Loigman
- Jana Freytag
- Emma Boettcher
- (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee
- Cate Boerema (Deactivated)
- Brooks Travis
- Mark Canney
- Laurence Mini
- Joanne Leary
- Elizabeth Chenette
- Monica Arnold
- Cheryl Malmborg
- Anya
- Joshua Lambert
- Cornelia Awenius
- Donna Minor
- Darcy Branchini
- mey
- tpaige@umass.edu
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info |
2min | Administrivia | Andrea Loigman |
| |
15min | Search | Cate Boerema (Deactivated) | Query search on Users and Requests | There was a highly ranked "Boolean search" UXPROD which has been broken down into two separate features: 1. Boolean/Query Search for Requests - https://issues.folio.org/browse/UXPROD-2458 2. Boolean/Query Search for Users -https://issues.folio.org/browse/UXPROD-1015 Let's discuss this solution, review the wireframes etc. Does this seem important? What types of searches might you conduct using this capability? |
40min | Circ Log | Emma Boettcher | Loans actions in circulation log | Decide what info to record in search log for all loans-related actions. (Can easily be split over multiple meetings) |
Meeting Outcomes
Functional Area | Product Owner | Planned Release (if known) | Decision Reached | Reasoning | Link to supporting materials | Comments |
e.g. loans, fees/fines | Name | e.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019 | Clearly stated decision |
| e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue | |
Please feel free to grammar check and correct the content, thank you
Loans actions in circulation log
- What information needs to be logged?
- Wire frame: Is there additional information we need in the table?
- logging the self checkout machine's transactions?
- might be a different user which could be logged or a different service point
- Does the log include fine / fee ? yes
- logging notes
- loan statuses: cancelled, recently returned, in transit (Use Case: tracking missing Items)
- should we then differentiate the in transit statuses?
- Proxy activity is still not a priority but it would be nice to track:
- Check out
- fee / fine
- request
- Do we need the original and changed due date in seperate columns? might be alright to have the changed due date in the description
- Do we need the 'not your home circ desk' override to be tracked?
- the loan details of items 'claimed returned' should be tracked as well
- Information on overrides are important
- Which descriptions are most important for check-in?
- Prioritization:
- Resulting item status
- In transit destination, if in transit?
- Whether item is overdue
- Whether backdated and to when
- If claimed returned, if found by library or found by patron
- anything from the loan itself?
- Proxy yes/no (Thin thread not having it)
- Prioritization:
- Is the anonymization process important (Germans will get back to the RA SIG)
Query search on Users and Requests
- How important are the two issues?
- For Users App the UXPROD-1015 and also this issue: UXPROD-2092
- add drop downs for last name, barcode,
- For Duke and Chicago the external id would be important UIU-1363
- composed boolean search for the often occurring names: last name, first name (is supported already)
- a solution could be a combined index
- from the Users SIG: truncation with *
- For the request app UXPROD-2458
- For Users App the UXPROD-1015 and also this issue: UXPROD-2092
- Fielded vs boolean Search?
- fielded Search is preferred (easier to train)
- consistency throughout the circ apps would be good
, multiple selections available,