FOLIO Release Management Stakeholders

FOLIO Release Management Stakeholders

Formerly known at Release Planning Team and Capacity Management Team


Oleksii Petrenko , Release Coordinator

Kristin Martin , PC Representative

Debra Howell , Support SIG Representative

Khalilah Gambrell , Lead Product Owner

Mark Veksler , Development Management

Yogesh Kumar , Quality Assurance

Lee Braginsky , Development Management

Jakub Skoczen , Technical Council Representative

Mike Gorrell , Community Council Representative

Hkaplanian , Product Management, Community Council


The RMS defines FOLIO release schedules for named FOLIO releases as well as service packs that incorporate functionality specify and development milestones as specified by the development teams. The RMS announces the schedule and any changes to the FOLIO community, provides updates on development staffing changes and release status to the PC, TC, and CC. The release schedules are available on the wiki under Release Readiness Checklist. The RMS makes determination for the release of a Critical Service Patch, using the process described here.


Meetings are held every other week on Mondays, from 9:00-9:30 AM ET. On demand meetings may occur to address critical requests that can't wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Meeting notes are available below.

Topic: FOLIO Release Stakeholders
Time: Jun 12, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) (and every two weeks thereafter)
Meeting ID: 883 5624 4681