2023-09-28 Metadata Management Meeting notes


Charlotte Whitt 

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items

Note taker
Jennifer Eustis

Poppy feature freeze is Oct. 6, 2023. If you can participate in Bugfest, this will be coming in. The Release Notes are coming in and should be set for Oct. 13, 2023. Demos for Poppy features can be done after Bugfest.

Orchid Critical Service Patch 6 is almost ready. Sorting is fixed with CSP 6. Sorting will be done across the whole group.

PC update

PC meeting minutes 9/28/2023

Announcement: The video recordings from WOLFcon 2023 are being uploaded to YouTube. These are in playlist from OLF.

Time zone inclusiveness: Paul Moeller on behalf of PC sub group suggested considering alternating times once or twice a month? The best is probably 7 AM Boston, 7 PM Beijing, 9 PM Canberra, 1 PM Berlin. KoHa do most meetings asynchronous, and then when more important topics is brought up, then attending on very odd times is accepted. The PC will reach out to National Library of Australia. No decision yet. 

It is important to think about this and try to do this. We need to include people internationally. How do we communicate this back to PC? We could use the comment box in the meeting agendas more. For comments, reach out to PC on the FOLIO product council slack channel.

Council Updates: 

CC: [See the written update/notes in the PC meeting minutes]

TC has been meeting twice a week, for several weeks now. TC has conditionally approved the List App. There is still some technical controversy re. how the List App grabs data from other apps. The TC has real concerns re. how the TC Review process is being so tightly connected with the Flower release. Important info about the NFR work on refresh token for every 10 minutes - this is a major security lift for FOLIO, but also affect all applications. Poppy will support both the old way and the new way, and then eventually Quesnelia will only support the new token process. TC will inform the Implementers SIG, and also add information in the Release notes.

Product Owners working towards the Poppy Release feature freeze on 10/06/2023 - see dash board. Working on a power point which brings an overview of all new work included in Poppy. Accessibility test is to be re-started. The List app will be the first app up for test.

Release Management Stakeholders Group - the time line for Quesnelia is still TBD. The release schedule for 2024 is also not yet decide - will there be 2 or 3 release cycles. Critical Service Patches aimed to be more targeted bugfixes than the Hotfix procedure; but right now we are awaiting on Orchid #6. The CSP process is to be reviewed.

Future meeting structure

reduce the length of the meeting from 90 back to 60 minutes

Start 11:30 am or 12:00 pm?

Laura is in favor of going back to the hour slot. We have matured as a community and would be back to the 60 minutes. There are some that find the meeting too long and aren't attending.

If we go back to 60 minutes, the PC update can be at the end of the meeting.

There are votes for 11:30 to 12:30. Most other SIGs start at the top of the hour. There is the Resource Access meeting from 11-12 pm ET. There are some who might go to RA SIG and there might be a little overlap. Should we do a poll in slack? We could use the emoji poll. Felix will put out a poll on Slack. If we decide an hour a week isn't enough, we could have an additional meeting.

DECISION: We have agreed to meet 60 minutes a week. The decision on which time to start (11:30 or 12) will be done by a Slack poll.

Notetaker situation

Someone willing to be our permanent notetaker? If not, look into a rotating system or other ways to improve the current situation.

Lisa McColl set a high standard. Laura suggests that we need to record the critical points and the decisions made.

The PC has a group that shares notetaking responsibilities. When Alexis is doing the agenda, the notetaker has the meeting date in parentheses after the name. If someone is away, someone else can sub.

Alissa is willing to take notes more regularly. There is a conflict if we start at 12 noon EST.

If there are co-covenors, the person not leading the meeting can take notes.

Natasha has also agreed to be in a notetaking group.

Could we get one person to sign up for each month with an alternate for each month?

It sounds like people are interested in the weekly rotation. We need to get at least 4-6 volunteers. We need a plan for alternates.

Laura can volunteer to be part of the notetaking group. Lynne Fors can also volunteer.

For next week's meeting, Felix/Raegan will add a section for notetaking and add Laura Daniels, Alissa Hafele, Lynne Fors, Natasha Owens. We can review this every year to make sure that this list gets updated.

DECISION: Our new notetaking group consists of Laura Daniels, Alissa Hafele, Lynne Fors, and Natasha Owers. The SIG will review the members of this group at least yearly.

MM Dashboard with Bulk Edit
