2023-04-20 Metadata Management Meeting notes


regrets: Sharon Wiles-Young

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items




Posting on behalf of the group: The Folio Music Users group will meet on Monday, April 24, at 1:00pm ET. Zoom link The meeting will not be recorded, but the minutes will be shared afterward. Link to the agenda. Link to the minutes of the previous meeting. Anyone with an interest is invited to attend. Please share as needed.

PC update

Sorry end of semester meetings at Lehigh are conflicting with MMSIG meetings- Semester is almost over!

PC agenda 3 main items today: Approval of FOLIO terminology still working on the definition of the FOLIO platform and there will be a working group to define FOLIO platform,

Reviewed and plan to pilot the Evaluation Process of a new FOLIO LSP Functionality

And SIG updates

Also the FOLIO OnBoarding working group would like some more members to help with the onboarding educational materials- the group will develop a presentation along with short videos to help new members understand and get started on the FOLIO project- the working group so far has piloted a presentation and is now compiling information based on the pilot  to present to new FOLIO members. If interested in helping on this working group contact ME or any other member THANKS!

Wiki page with overview about Inventory responsibilies: Poppy module transitions

MM SIG Release Note & Other Highlights

NOL hotfix #1: fixing calendar issues

Dear colleagues, Nolana R3 2022 HotFix #1 release has been considered as GO.

Here is also list of tickets that has been released: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/REL/Nolana+%28R3+2022%29+Release+Notes#Nolana(R32022)ReleaseNotes-Hotfixrelease#1-GreenreleasedatAPril20

Here is link to Nolana HotFix #1 dashboard - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12725

Test plan for Nolana HotFix #1 test case execution - https://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/plans/view/2157, https://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/plans/view/2145

Nolana R3 2022 Hot Fix #1 release tag is R3-2022-hotfix-1

Versions history functionality in OrdersDennis Bridges 
  • Orders are a hierarchical construct: PO and POL
  • Similar to Inventory there are multiple segments in the search pane to search either PO or POL data
  • The history was implemented to search the history for a specific record, both PO and POL
  • The history is represented by an icon at the top right of the detail view record
  • In the history it is included:
    • when the change was made
    • source of the change (user)
    • data that has been changed
  • Any changes to a record are captured, not only changes from actual users, but also system processes
  • Clicking on a version will display the version in the detail view. The changes are highlighted in yellow whereever possible, even for repeatable fields.
  • When something is removed, then only the field name is displayed in the history. But you can go to the last version to see the previous content of the field.
  • All of the versions will display at the moment, so the list can get long. ACQ SIG has talked about having search for the history, but nothing has been implemented yet.
  • When there is an open PO and an invoice is created and approved, then it is possible that a system process is doing edits to the PO, e.g. update to payment status. This will display in the history as well.
  • Same when a piece is received in Receiving app (receipt status field in the POL) and order status field in the PO
  • It is not apparent in the history that a system process is the source of the change, but that is going to change, e.g. by adding a label to the version.
  • Question from chat: Can this version history be made into a dashboard widget?
    • Technically it could
    • Versions are stored in mod-audit, not in the Orders module
    • Orders is retrieving the data from mod-audit
  • Another challange is that in a previous version the content of a field from another app might be different or deleted, e.g. vendor information. Only the UUID of the organization is stored in the PO. There is not a perfect solution for this issue.
  • When there are linked records like an invoice and the user is looking at a historic version, then the linked record is not displayed because there is no saved history.
  • In the future there will be invoice and organization history: UXPROD-3457. This could be used as a blueprint for other apps. mod-audit is a generic module that can be used by other apps.
  • Is it possible to restore a previous version? No, not at the moment. This could be accomplished, but it would be complicated for orders because of multiple relations that an order can have. But the data is present.


  •  wiki page where the group can list use cases for version history in MM. Define the level of granularity we want to store:
    • What would we use version tracking for?
    • What data do we want to track? (i.e., all elements changed? just that fact that a change occurred?)
    • What entity should it apply to? (instances, holdings, items / source record storage?)
