2024-08-15 Metadata Management Meeting notes

Meeting time: 11:30 AM EDT, 05:30 PM CEST, 04:30 PM BST

Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/527543204 . The meeting password can be found here.


Aug 15, 2024

Note taker

Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors, Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens, @Charlotte Whitt


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items








No announcements

Demo of binding functionality

@Joseph Reimers


In the Receiving app and closely tied to Acquisitions. Done this way to assist with Serials and holdings that do not have item records attached.

PO Line has new check box “Bindery active”

Receiving has new facet for Bindery active to gather these titles together.

Inventory comes into play in the Bound accordion with in the Receiving title. Can see Bound pieces data in the Item record within Inventory app. New accordion was created as the way the data is handled is different than how Bound-with is in Inventory.

Historical information about previously received pieces can be found on the received actions menu, select “Bound”.

You can only bind pieces if you have selected to create instance, holdings and items during creation of the PO Line. Required to make the connection with Receiving app.

Binding items with requests on them triggers a pop-up modal to deal with the requests.

It is possible to undo the binding of pieces if needed.

Items in Inventory will be deprecated but still remain in Inventory after the bindery function has been applied.

You can try out the functionality in a test environment: The feedback form will be reopened for MM SIG and will close Friday, 23 August 2024.

Planning of the MM working meeting at Wolfcon 2024


https://wolfcon2024.sched.com/event/1eeqO/metadata-management-sig-working-meeting (50 minutes)

Topic ideas:

  • Metadata management workflows (and how does the new Workflows app fit in?)

    • Sparked by the LoC document

    • Overlap with workflows, productivity tracking, custom fields, change tracking

    • Workflow SIG connection

  • Platform stabilization and impact on Inventory

    • Other sessions around platform stabilization are being held

  • Follow up on the pre-conference session on Linked Data from the MM SIG perspective and impact on Inventory

  • Data Export and Lists App

    • Unsure if there are any sessions on these areas







PC updates

@Charlotte Whitt

2024-08-15 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

Announcements: Reminder that the Consortia SIG has released the Consortia Survey 2024. At this point 11 have responded. The survey will be running until the end of the month.

Ideas for tracking, maintaining, and supporting the roadmap (continued from last week): The Atlassian Cloud version of Confluence does not support Calendar function in the free version. Alternative solutions could be one of the free plug-in apps, or calendar in Google workspace. The PC discussed the purpose with the calendar.

Talked about the Jira Dashboards, and maybe work a bit on consistency. The PC liaisons could work with the respective SIGs and the POs for the area. Prioritization using the vote and topic tracker functionality in Jira. A PC working group (Charlotte, Lisa, Martin, and maybe Caitlin) will review the different dashboards with the scope to incl. them in the regular PC process, and then we can sunset the current Road map and Prioritization working group. Prioritized work can eventually be picked up by new development teams formed by e.g. LoC, Stanford.

An informal talk about PC review of Reading Room Access and how this new app correspond with the Reading Room Circulation Functionality.

Future topics: Planning the WOLFcon shoulder meeting, and update the retro board

Anything the MM-SIG would like your liaisons to bring back to the PC?

BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists App)

Jennifer Eustis

No meeting this week.

Data Import Working Group

Jennifer Eustis

We discussed:

  • The behavior of how to handle invalid reference values short and long term solutions

  • We discussed adding a new feature for reporting including exporting errors and connecting to the Lists App

  • We added the 856$g to the work on expanding the support for 856

  • We discussed the issue to be able to save item uuids in inventory

quickMARC Subgroup update

Raegan Wiechert

No meeting this week


11:37:40 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Is the a definition on what is meant with Bound pieces?
11:39:53 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
In the libraries I have worked at, here issues were held as single issues in the current year, and then after New Year, all 10 received issues, were bounded as one physical item.
11:42:03 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
This solution then should follow the record modelling of one bound with item linked to multiple holdings


11:42:05 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:
Have I understood you correctly? You can only bind pieces if you have selected to create instance, holdings, and item during creation of the POL?
11:47:09 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:
Replying to "This solution then s..."

In the example shown there has not been an item per issue, but just a piece per issue in the Receiving app. Or am I missing anything?

11:48:02 From Vivian Gould (she/her) (MOBIUS) to Everyone:
Apologies, all. I didn't realize I was unmuted. I hope I didn't say anything scandalous. 😅
11:48:23 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Reacted to "Apologies, all. I di..." with 😊
11:48:24 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:
Replying to "Apologies, all. I di..."

I did not hear anything :)

11:48:25 From Jenn Colt to Everyone:
Replying to "Apologies, all. I di..."

11:54:42 From Nancy Lorimer to Everyone:
Reacted to "Apologies, all. I di..." with 😊
11:56:06 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
It seems that that method will create hundreds of deprecated items in Inventory, which can be a big problem
11:57:35 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:
Replying to "It seems that that m..."

11:59:38 From Amanda Scott to Everyone:
Does the mandatory permanent location on the page where you select the item/pieces for binding refer to the holdings location or item location? My library doesn't assign item permanent locations. (Having said that, I think we have stopped binding periodicals due to rising costs, so it may not affect us.)
12:00:12 From Amanda Scott to Everyone:
Reacted to "Does the mandatory p..." with 👍
12:01:35 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
Replying to "It seems that that m..."

12:02:02 From Joe Reimers (EBSCO) to Everyone:

12:03:33 From Lynne Fors to Everyone:
How would you like to receive feedback from MM SIG?
12:06:17 From Joe Reimers (EBSCO) to Everyone:
I have reopened the feedback form through next Friday
12:06:32 From Joe Reimers (EBSCO) to Everyone:
Thank you, everyone!
12:06:43 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Reacted to "I have reopened the ..." with 🌸
12:06:51 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:

12:09:26 From Jennifer Eustis to Everyone:

12:11:27 From Jennifer Eustis to Everyone:
The audit tracker v.1 is scheduled for Sunflower for the inventory app
12:13:12 From Jenn Colt to Everyone:
Is there a group working on this admin data?
12:14:09 From Charlotte Whitt to Everyone:
Yes, there is sessions on Data Import. Let me check when
12:14:44 From jeanette kalchik to Everyone:

12:14:52 From Felix Hemme to Everyone:
Reacted to "https://wolfcon2024...." with 🙏
12:15:03 From Laura Daniels to Everyone:
Replying to "Is there a group wor..."

12:16:12 From Jenn Colt to Everyone:
Replying to "Is there a group wor..."

12:16:42 From Laura Daniels to Everyone:
Replying to "Is there a group wor..."

12:17:16 From Laura Daniels to Everyone:
Replying to "Is there a group wor..."

12:23:31 From Jennifer Eustis to Everyone:

12:26:34 From Jennifer Eustis to Everyone:

12:27:58 From Jennifer Eustis to Everyone:

12:28:53 From Christie Thomas (she/her) to Everyone:
I am sorry I missed the meeting yesterday. I thought it was cancelled.