2021-08-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes
2021-08-23 Resource Access Meeting Notes
https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes |
2min | Administrivia | Vaccation (Jana): Sept. 9th, 13th, 16th, 20th |
| |
20Min | CIRC-1112 "Fix" Scenario Discussion 'Recalls not being honored when there has been a renew or change due date' | Brooks Travis Cheryl Malmborg | Stories to describe desired behavior after the fix, other features that may arise from the discussion | |
10Min | Calendar | Request for help collecting information about calendar size (in current system, FOLIO, or both) |
Meeting Notes
Question in Chat by Erin Weller
Von Erin Weller: 05:02 PM
Before we get started, I had someone ask me about FOLIO's shelf reading feature. I can dig and look for more info but does anyone know off the top of their head if this has been developed and where I can find it?
Von David Bottorff - UChicago: 05:02 PM
I don't believe it's been developed. Do we have a Jira for it, or is just in the parking lot?
Von Erin Nettifee: 05:04 PM
- CIRC-1112
- The Flag, that handles this features has other dependencies in FOLIO, that makes it harder to change for this
- do we still want the described behavior?
- Cornell would be interested in that behavior - Could see it as a problem if not solved
- Andrea: would a renewal still be working? - Yes
- One of the solutions could be to place at least two flags on the record instead of one that would make this feature configurable
- Chalmers: interested in a good solution long term, but it doesn't need a quick fix
- Chicago: unlikly to have a significant impact
- Developers are in favor of adding a second flag
- Descision reached: Developers can proceed fixing the bug
- Calendar
- Problem with the calendar - UXPROD-2657Getting issue details... STATUS
- Size of the calendar
- Gathering information on how other systems work calendars
- How many Calendars are you using?
- Where are you using them?
- The extent of the date ranges that you store?
- Number of exception periods ?
- Overlap of date exceptions in servicepoints?
- How many service point share the same Calendar?
- Erin and Cheryl will set up a google sheet to ask these Questions and gather information
- Feature request: In the Moment the FOLIO Calendar needs to have the longest possible loan date set, otherwise it would not lend the item, this is often very inconvenient and would be good to be solved
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