2024-03-07 Resource Access Meeting Notes - Quesnelia update


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)



Leah Anderson

David Bottorff

Anne Ekblad

Magnus Andersson

Erin Weller

Cheryl Malmborg

Tara Barnett

Elizabeth Chenette

lisa perchermeier

Laurence Mini

Tobi Hines

Nina Morgenstern

Karen White

Stephanie Buck

Susan Kimball

Mark Canney

Martina Tumulla

Thomas Trutt

Claire Hoag


Robert Heaton

Rebecca Pernell

Amelia Sutton

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items:






Note taker: lisa perchermeier
30 MinUpdate on work for Quesnelia and plannings in Ramsons

Slides: https://ebscoind-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/ssbuck_corp_epnet_com/ERpVGICeN1lKthqHlVCa-kwB-EkXkUZOFBVgiV4JenTYvA?e=z2hMLT

Quesnelia Dashboard for some circ-related thing

General Q Dashboard

25 MinFee/fine bug

Stephanie Buck

Cornelia Awenius

Erin Weller

payment of a fee/fine for a previous loan causes item status change to "lost and paid" while item is checked out again

Cornelia Awenius will write up bug-Ticket

Meeting Notes

  1. Update Quesnelia
    1. Staff slips (holds)
    2. ECS
    3. Mediated and private request work

a. Staff slips for holds UXPROD 4047
Use case:a library has many holdings and copies but not all are cataloged. Will need to print staff slips for holds to search for a copy to fulfill the hold request
Settings: Allow print hold requests

It is only possible to print the slips associated with the pick up service point you are logged in and only those for holds with the status ‘open – not yet filled’ (follows a similar logic like the pick slips for pages)

Q Julie: When are the search slips no longer available for print?
A Anne: as soon as the status “open – not yet filled” is updated they are no longer available for print.

Cheryl: That means the slips can be printed more than once as long as they have the status “open – not yet filled”

Anne: There is a feature worked on to deter double pick slip printing (UXPROD 4404) – as soon as there is more clarity about that there will be an information in slack

Olga: Is it possible to print multiple slips on the same page?

Anne: As of now no. Right now the logic is a single page for each slip

Leah: use printer window to adjust

Laurence: export and filter in excel

David: app for this in Chicago

Tom: there is an open story to print multiple slips per page

 b. ECS support for TLR UXPROD 4559

LOC has an consortia like setup that is why ECS support for TLR is needed

Technical information about this is not yet ready to be shared

At the moment the circ settings are updated – TLR is moved into the circ settings and out of the request settings

Q Julie: What is the aim of this work?
A Steph: It will then be possible looking for items across tenants, check availability, circ rules, place requests from their main working area and no need to jump around

Q Susan: Why moving settings for TLR out of requests? What is the rationale for moving?

A Steph: Consortia, private and mediated requests are different features but linked. The settings are at a higher level than only in requests app which gives more flexibility (e.g. maybe you want to allow TLR for regular requests but not for mediated requests)

Anne: Anticipation of future mediated requests app which can be used by libraries consortia but also by single tenants. It is kind of setting the stage for these features to come.

c. Mediated requests and private requests UXPROD 4657

 LoC needs feature to enable human intervention in the request workflow

Will be new app which is designed as base for development of LoC private requests (congressional loans)

Technical tenant work is required for this as well.

The new app (Mediated requests app/ MRA) adds functionality that the community can also use and might help to advance requests app in general.

Private requests can then be enabled in the mediated requests app. The mediated requests will be displayed in the requests queue. The feature is developed as streamlined as possible.

Q Julie: How could this be used in my library for example. How to make this as functional for as many libraries as possible?

Example for use of MRA: a smaller group of colleagues with access to MRA work as gatekeepers to collections (special collections for example). Those who do not have access to MRA can participate through requests app

2. Bug

Scenario: Book is overdue, returned, fine is generated, another user checked it ou , keeps it too long, item gets aged to lost

First user pays fine – loan status changes in ‘lost and paid’ but the loan is still open.

Cornelia set up a sheet for test cases.

It seems that this behavior is seen in case that any charges associated with the first loan are paid and there is a second loan which has the status aged to lost – this loan is closed.

Behavior of claimed returned has to be tested through under the above scenario and conditions.

Cornelia will write up the bug.

Thanks to everyone for this team effort.

3. Julie highlights that the dev dashboards are very helpful to look at and discuss features beforehand. Julie offers help to understand dev dashboards.