2017-12-18 Reporting SIG Notes

2017-12-18 Reporting SIG Notes



  • @Sharon Beltaine
  • @Ingolf Kuss
  • Katalin Lovagné Szűcs
  • Robert Sass
  • @Joanne Leary
  • Anne L. Highsmith
  • @Peter Murray
  • Charlotte Whitt
  • @Simona Tabacaru
  • @Scott Perry
  • @Doreen Herold
  • Vince Bareau
  • Harry Kaplanian
  • Michael Winkler

  • Christine Wise
  • John Krug

  • @Tod Olson

  • @Claudius Herkt-Januschek
  • Ginny Boyer
  • @Kevin Walker


  • Folio Reporting Development Report 
  • Capturing Performance Needs for Reporting
  • Reporting Use Case Development

Discussion items


Assign notetaker,

take attendance,

review agenda

Sharon Beltaine

Previous Notetaker: Simona Tabacaru

Today's Notetaker: Scott Perry

 IntroductionsKevin Walker-meet our newest member: Kevin Walker, from University of Alabama

 SIG CompositionSharon Beltaine

-Sharon working with Product Council and Other SIG conveners to review the composition of the Reporting SIG

-Do we have all the representation we need? Where are the gaps?

-Reminder: If you have not completed your entry in the Reporting SIG Roles table on the Reporting SIG home page, please do so by the end of this week; this information is needed for our review of the current composition of the Reporting SIG

Distributed ReportingSharon Beltaine

-Sharon and Ginny Boyer lining up representative from Duke University to discuss Symplectic Elements to provide an example of a distributed reporting environment

Will be scheduled in January

Folio Reporting Development ReportPeter Murray

-Peter Murray to discuss his Report on Business Intelligence consultant conversation on Folio Reporting Development

  • good to have cross-sig reporting meeting
  • data model not ready enough
  • reporting needs to be included early in planning

Peter met with Christina Raus (sic?). She works for a company that consults on data warehouse design. She is currently working on designing a data warehouse for several Connecticut educational institutions and also has worked with Flyway. She estimates that only 5% of reporting requires real time access and we should identify those cases. The remaining 95% can be handled by a daily feed. She offered a cost estimate of several million dollars to implement a full real time data warehouse. She will work on a webinar of 1-1.5 hours on this topic. Peter and Sharon will work with her to schedule the webinar.

Q: What basic structure is envisioned by her?

A: Star schema https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_schema

Q: Joanne expressed concern about not having access to everything in real time

A: Design system around the 5% that is needed during real time.

Need to make sure frequency is noted in the report spreadsheet and indicate whether reports are real time or not.

Q: How do we ensure referential integrity? (need to make sure that pointers across domains are accurate)

Performance Issues for Reporting ToolsAll

-How can we capture our performance needs in the reporting requirements? Ideas?

This should be handled within the SysOps SIG.

Use Case CategoriesSharon Beltaine

-review of process for adding information to Cornell Folio reporting requirements about report data sources being within-app, cross-app, and cross-system

-please complete this column for your reports in the reporting requirements document by the end of this week

-here is the Folio Reporting Requirements document: Reporting SIG master spreadsheet

All need to indicate whether reports are Within App, Cross App, or Cross Systems  in the master spreadsheet. Should be completed this week.

Folio End of Year ReviewAll

Who got to attend the Folio End of Year Review? If you have not seen it yet, here is the recording:


-next meeting is January 8

Other Topics?All-other topics

Next Meeting AgendaAll

-no meetings for the next 2 Mondays (Dec 25 and Jan 1) due to holidays

-next Reporting SIG meeting is Monday, January 8, 2018

-topics for January 8 meeting??

-need convener coverage for Monday, January 22 (Sharon away)

-Review Use Cases for Frequency criteria and within-app, cross-app, and cross-system functionality

-Developing a Data Dictionary (review samples)

Kudos for 2017!All

As this is the last meeting of the year, we will acknowledge the many contributions of our generous and knowledgeable Reporting SIG members for all their hard work this past year. Please unmute yourselves....

Ingolf, Sharon, George, Peter, Vince, and all SIG Notetakers were all recognized.

Action items


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