2017-08-28 - Reporting SIG Notes




Discussion items

45Continue Walk-Through of Master Spreadsheet, discuss reports and challenges therein  


We continued our review of the Master Spreadsheet. HBZ utilizes an extensive list of reports, which includes counts for access and usage of the digital collections (licensed resources, free resources, ebooks, databases, journals, dissertations), usage of interlibrary loans (items borrowed and items loaned; documents delivered digitally and by print), reference collection usage, and circulation statistics. Some of the data on ILL requests and document requests that are filled through a commercial vendor is used to determine whether it is better economically to subscribe to a resource or fund the occasional use pay-per-view charge. (This item is included on the Pain Points tab of the workbook.) We briefly reviewed the reports posted by NCSU: daily fines and fees generated, daily lost items charged, and the hourly count of overdue notices sent.

Our next meeting will be Monday Sept.11. (No Sept. 5 meeting due to the Labor Day holiday in the US.) Christine Wise will talk about the SCONUL stats for UK academic libraries.

  • Joanne Leary, note taker

Action items
