2017-11-13 Reporting SIG notes

2017-11-13 Reporting SIG notes



  • @Sharon Beltaine
  • @Ingolf Kuss
  • @Katalin Lovagne Szucs
  • Robert Sass
  • @Joanne Leary
  • @Anne Highsmith
  • @Peter Murray
  • Charlotte Whitt
  • Simona Tabacaru
  • @Scott Perry
  • @George Stachokas
  • @Doreen Herold
  • @Vince Bareau
  • Harry Kaplanian
  • @Michael Winkler

  • Christine Wise
  • @John Krug


  • Discuss technical architecture of Reporting Tool
  • Learn more about CODEX and its impact on Reporting
  • Updates from subgroups and on action items

Discussion items

5minAssign notetaker, review agenda, introduce John Krug, Ebsco consultantSharon

Notetaker: Michael Winkler

20minTechnical architecture: what do we know today about the structure of the reporting tools being built, e.g., API development, datawarehousing? How does this impact our definition of requirements? Technical design for performance, e.g. denormalization, tagging, etc. Katalin? Harry? Vince?

What architecture will support reporting? SQL & Data warehousing are being considered, no decision yet made (Katalin).

Vince - describes that there is no centralize relational database in FOLIO. Data will have to be extracted to an external data store. So, the technical architecture for reporting will require data extracts to this external data store, then some reporting tools will be established for these.

Questions: What is the data structure of the external data store? TBD

What data is included? Not all the data, some will not be required in this external data store. Do not need all of the data for reporting (example: don't need to drag over all of the patron data).

The other SIGs (Acq, RA) are working on "in-module" reporting. Reports that cross domains (i.e. data from two unrelated modules) will be serviced from the external data store. Reports that are within a data domain can be handled by the module.

The SIG should be focused on the report inventory, but begin thinking about the kind of stories we want to be able to tell.

Action: need to let this mature in our minds, a small group is convened to look at the approach to data for cross-module reporting.


CODEX: how will the design of the CODEX impact reporting functionality?

Vince Bareautabled 2 weeks

Update from George on Resource Management SIG discussing Acquisitions tagging - subgroup from RM

George, SharonRepresentatives from the Reporting SIG will meet with the Resource Management (Acquisitions) Small Group to discuss tagging as it relates to Reporting Requirements: Michael Winkler, Scott Perry, Sharon Beltaine, George Stachokas (who is already a member of the RM SIG)

Introduction to John Krug


Introduction to John Krug, who attended this meeting for the first time today.

From John: My name is John Krug. Until March this year I was 'Analytics and Systems Manager' at Lancaster University where I had been working since 2002 mainly concerned with data infrastructure and Ex Libris products, Primo discovery, the Aleph and Alma LMS's and reporting and analytics based on those products. I was also the first coordinator of the joint IGeLU/ELUNA Analytics Special Interest Working Group a post I held for a year, attending user group conferences in Oklahoma and Trondheim to get things moving. The function of the group was to work with Ex Libris on behalf of the user community and to develop and promote analytics capability in the community. I was attending the meeting at the suggestion of Roman Piontek who correctly thought I would find it interesting. I am currently (semi-)retired but may be having a conversation with Roman and Ebsco, or possibly someone else about any role I can play. Apologies, that's a little vague.

5minBuild Agenda for next meetingAll

"Paradigm Shift" Subgroup reports on strategies for developing Reporting requirements given the proposed within-module/cross-module technical design for reporting functionality

MARC Subgroup reports on their 11/13/17 meeting: How to document your institution's MARC field requirements

(George Stachokas) More about what data types we need

(Ingolf Kuss) New questions for HBZ - the new DBS statistics survey for the libraries for 2018 (to be answered from January 2019 on) came out. It "better maps" the "modern services of research libraries". More than 100 questions have been dropped, nearly 30 added and several were revised.  I could quickly summarize the most important changes (5 Min) . I should add the changes to the Master Spreadsheet.

Action items

  • @Sharon to seek guidance on date for V2 of Reporting Business Requirements from Product Council 
  • MARC Fields Subgroup meeting today, 11/13/17, group to focus on Local MARC fields and how to capture all MARC field requirements