2017-12-04 Reporting SIG Notes

2017-12-04 Reporting SIG Notes




  • discuss acquisitions data elements
  • discuss technical architecture
  • revisit MARC fields
  • learn about CODEX
  • plan Dec 11 meeting

Discussion items


Assign notetaker,

take attendance,

review and add agenda items


Notetaker: Peter Murray


 Claudius Herkt,

Ginny Boyer

Introduce new participant Claudius Herkt, State and University Library in Hamburg, Germany; part of the Common Library Network in Germany.

Ginny Boyer, Director of Strategic Planning for OLE

acquisitions data elementsGeorge

Including Acquisitions data elements into the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet (or has captured this in another document)

Document sent to mailing list


  • How much of what we do as reports will be not be needed in FOLIO based on the nature of the system?
  • How will various parts of the system interact to create the reports and what data will need to be retrieved from a data warehouse to answer?

As use cases, can we start with external reports that we know we'll need (e.g. ARL) and work towards the internal use reports?

paradigm shiftSharon

Paradigm Shift subgroup approach: separate group or keep topics in main thread?

We will continue to bring in technical discussion to the main group as needed rather than splitting it off into a separate group.

MARC fields subgroupSharon

Review of reqs being gathered; request for subgroup lead

Send Sharon Markus an email if you are interested and able to take this on. It should be a small effort.


How the design of the CODEX will impact reporting

FOLIO Background

  • FOLIO starts with a gateway (Okapi) for microservices. Some microservices may have storage (e.g. a database) attached.
  • Apps consist of one or more microservice modules combined with one or more user interface elements
  • Certain microservices work with information about resources; some times disparate sets of resources, sometimes overlapping sets of resources

Codex context

  • Codex helps you find the appropriate resource from these sources and to connect the dots between sources
  • Codex does not contain rich metadata about resources; Codex can defererence identifiers and point to the resource microservice that where detail metadata can be found.

Reporting context

  • All reports are not the same
    • Report types: Statistical (administrative reporting concerned about counts and trends), Operational (real-time reporting to assist in making decisions), Analytical (business intelligence, forecasting, investigations) – but not import/export (recognizing that in the past "report" functions have been used to accomplish this)
    • Report contexts: reports on data within an app, reports on data that span apps, reports on data that span FOLIO systems
  • An opinion:
    • Statistical and operational reports for data within an app should be handled directly by the relevant app (dashboards and specialized reports within the App)
    • Analytical reports between apps and/or between FOLIO systems are the harder problem that require a "reporting app"
    • The microservices gateway (Okapi Gateway) is aware of all transactional data; transactions are captured from the Okapi Gateway into a data lake for later analysis by a an analytics tool. Transactions do not contain the rich (complete) metadata; it contains references to metadata. Codex is used to resolve references and provide metadata for analytics tools without copying all of the data into a data lake.

technical architecturePeter

(Possible) continued discussion on Deep Technical View of FOLIO architecture

other topics?All

other topics?

build agenda for

Dec 11 meeting


Agenda items for December 11 Meeting:

-review/discuss MARC Field use cases

-do we have reps from all application areas?

-request to add more info on your role in SIG participation (what areas do you represent, what other SIGs do you attend, etc.)

-are there examples of similar "paradigm shifts" for technology environments in which reporting has moved from centralized to distributed data access?

Action items
