2017-10-23 - Reporting SIG Notes

2017-10-23 - Reporting SIG Notes




  • review SIG documents (Summary of General Report Types, MARC Bib fields, MARC Holdings fields)

Discussion items

 25 News from FOLIO Day Stuttgart Ingolf
  •  EBSCO gave a talk explaining why they're interested in the FOLIO project; they want to participate in a system which is not a series of "walled gardens" like current ILSes but which permits anyone to write plugins as desired. This will make the system more flexible for all who wish to integrate existing products into it, including EBSCO itself.
  • Harry Kaplanian presented the roadmap (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw-o65fb9EKTQ0gxY3FKZlhaWjA/view). He also said that FOLIO probably would be ready to implement as a full replacement for existing systems in 2019 or 2020.
  • In response to Sharon Beltaine's question about which and how many institutions participated in the Stuttgart meeting, Ingolf replied that he didn't know how many institutions were represented but that around 100 individuals attended. Also, that much of the interest is coming from "free" (unaligned?) libraries in Germany and Austria, because many of the networks in those countries (e.g. Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia) are locked in to purchasing a different system because they are receiving government money to do so.
  • Charlotte Whitt mentioned that Felix Hemme did a presentation on the Codex, which she recommended. Ingolf brought up the presentation and went over the salient points. Slides are available here: Codex metadata elements
35Discussion of further actions of the SIG during phase "Review & Select System"group
  • Ingolf said that his colleague Martina Tumulla had mentioned that based on RM discussions, RM SIG might be wanting us to coordinate with them on the issue of reporting codes for acquisitions. This led to a more general discussion of Reporting SIG needing to coordinate with other SIGs on their reporting needs and how that might be done. Sharon suggested that Katalin (the reporting product owner from Qulto) might have a role in this area and that she and Ingolf will bring up this issue when they meet with her later this week.
  • Ingolf asked Harry Kaplanian a question that had arisen in a previous meeting, i.e. when deciding on a reporting system to be integrated with FOLIO, were they selecting both an open source front end and back end for reporting or just a front end? Ingolf concluded from Harry's response that developers et al. are not far enough along in this task to be able to answer that question.
  • Specifically for Katalin, Sharon asked if the Reporting SIG needs to get its list of MARC fields for reporting done by the end of the month. She pointed out that if a working group is needed for this task, as has been suggested, it probably can't finish its work in that timeframe. (Ingolf: actually in the Roadmap the time schedule now says "by the end of November" (not October) for the SIG's contribution.)
  • Sharon asked the question whether batch jobs should be included in our charge as part of reporting. The consensus of the SIG was yes. George pointed out that many such batch report needs had been included in the master spreadsheet.

Action items

  • Agenda item for next meeting: a report on the outcome of the meeting among Sharon, Ingolf, and Katalin.
  • A MARC working group, consisting of Sharon Beltaine, Joanne Leary, and Ingolf Kuss, will review and revise the existing list of MARC fields for reporting.