60min | introductions | All | this was a meeting with the Reporting SIG's new Product Owner, Katalin Lovagne Szucs, requested by Sharon Beltaine and Ingolf Kuss for introductions, questions, and background information related to the Reporting SIG - Katalin is also a developer for the Folio Reporting tool
- Robert Sass, another developer for the Folio Reporting tool, also joined our meeting
- Katalin and Robert will begin attending meetings of the Folio Reporting SIG on 10/30/17
- Katalin will discuss questions on the Questions for Product Owner document from the Reporting SIG Google Drive folder as she becomes more familiar with reporting requirements
- as a first step, developers Katalin and Robert will be taking a look at existing open source reporting tools to see if they can be adapted for use in Folio
- Qulto development will be done using Agile methodology in 2-week sprints; they have developed the user import feature and SSL login features so far
- Katalin explained that the data structure of the new tool will depend on new solutions they find in their research on open source tools
- Ingolf said it would be important to include functionality for both ad hoc and canned reporting in the new tool
- the group reviewed the following key documents:
- Ingolf pointed out that there has been much discussion about MARC fields in Reporting SIG in FOLIO Discuss
- Ingolf and Sharon oriented Katalin and Robert to the standard communication resources for the Folio Reporting SIG
- Katalin will ask the Folio (overall) Product Owner about a CODEX expert who can attend a future meeting of the Reporting SIG to discuss the relationship of the CODEX to reporting functionality in Folio
- More information can be found at Reporting SIG Wiki space : https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RPT/Reporting+SIG+Home Wiki-Page "Question and Infos for the Product Owner"