2017-10-02 - Reporting SIG Notes

2017-10-02 - Reporting SIG Notes




Discussion items

Cornell: new hire (Sharon Beltaine) replacing Lydia Pettis started today; she'll join us eventually; Ingolf will continue as convener until mid-November but Sharon will take over then
Ingolf put a data model in Google folder; it's very technical and is in draft; it's a PDF; seeking feedback from all in the SIG; Ingolf used genmymodel.com (generate my model); documents available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9vWHAWeuEiRUzZ2YWpYMHdhX2c?usp=sharing

Master List: list of a minimal number of predefined reports that the system should come with

George shared the document: Summary of General Report Types and Simplified Data Requirements for FOLIO

Document is at a high-level and will be shared in Google Drive; SIG members can review/edit/comment


ASSIGNMENT: by next meeting, please review/edit/comment


Welcome to Vince Bareau and John McDonald

Comments by Vince: We're doing microservices (vs. monolith); is there a need to identify microreporting, within the applications (e.g. acq, circ); aggregate to bigger system; distribute reporting responsibility to applications; there's a need for central reporting, it's aggregated as a standardized report from the apps rather than raw data from each app; if you have a different type of traditional ILS with reporting done in one part of the system, you know where the data is coming from; because of the nature of FOLIO, there may be different options for fund mgt, some more rich or not as powerful as others; centralize reporting system does not need to understand the various reporting systems as they're contained within the app (e.g. circ, acq)

Marketplace concept where user chooses what they need; we can work on extraction of data; consolidate at data level or is there a way to consolidate at report level, problem is distributed; e.g. COUNTER: disparate platforms that report usage; identify the things we need (the summary presented by George is a good start)

Action items
