2024-08-08 Product Council Agenda & Meeting Notes

2024-08-08 Product Council Agenda & Meeting Notes


Aug 8, 2024


  • @Alexis Manheim@Charlotte Whitt @Jeremy Huff @Jennifer Eustis @Lucy Harrison (GALILEO), @Martin Scholz @Tod Olson @Patrick Pace (Unlicensed) @Jana Freytag @Martina Tumulla @Dung-Lan Chen @Gang Zhou @Jennifer Eustis @Caitlin Stewart @Brooks Travis @Christopher Spalding @Jenn Colt

  • Note taker: @Kristin Martin

 Discussion topics









5 min



Lucy (GALILEO): Lucy and @Noah Brubaker will be new co-conveners for the Consortia SIG. They are planning to send out a survey to understand how they are implementing FOLIO, architectural style (multi-tenant, single-tenant, etc.). Letting consortia define themselves. Lucy gave us a preview of the survey. Kristin shared FOLIO member list to help distribute survey. Link to survey

10 min

Developer Advocate Update

@Patrick Pace (Unlicensed)

Developer update: seehttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DA/pages/312214253 for full details

  • opportunity to work with developer in a Unix environment (Windows is most common developer environment)

  • Still working on getting a local environment set up for testing purposes. Looking at setting up a vagrant box and a new app called Busy Bee.

  • Major update on developer documentation, including new TC subgroup for Developer Documentation


  • Topic that has come is how to get developers to start contributing to documentation. Started strategy to have Product Owners prioritize documentation as part of a sprint cycle, so developers will be dedicated time to do this

    • We may set up a Jira Board regarding documentation needs to keep things specific.

    • Module documentation tends to be better maintained than the more broad, general documentation, because none of the teams have this as their responsibilities.

    • Good citizen behavior requires a more cultural change for teams to keep general documentation up-to-date. Structural short-coming in the FOLIO community that this hasn’t been clearly delegated

    • Question here about how changes trickle out and who is the consumer of your service? Identifying those intersections of functionality is important, but haven’t addressed that level of functionality

40 min

Ideas for tracking, maintaining, and supporting the roadmap, prioritization, SIG connections, and other processes established by the PC and working groups



  • How do we track and respond in terms of climate? E.g., how do people feel about the working group that they are in? That may not come across as within a Jira Board, as it is more qualitative impression/view of where FOLIO is as a product. PC could help to loop back on issues - Year in Review - do members feel like they can get ideas/new features/bugs addressed. This could be a good chance to highlight the things that have improved.

  • PC could set some goals around the climate. Could we create a Likhert scale to evaluate satisfaction in different areas of FOLIO over time?

  • One idea is that the PC could support an infrastructure for SIGs to be able to provide their priorities and then surface them across the project?

  • Jeremy said he conducted a listening tour at his institution. Could all implementers do this in a comprehensive manner? 5 Colleges has performed this as well, and noted that we’ve gotten tripped up in areas where apps are no longer being developed. Maybe we need an assessment working group across the Tri-Council.

  • Should our foci be the larger product and how things work together vs. individual new features in specific app areas

  • Where should the dev teams have autonomy to make their own decisions and where should there be some consistency?

5 min

Future topics



 Action items


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