Export FOLIO orders in EDIFACT format
- UXPROD-531Getting issue details... STATUS
- Libraries often create orders in their own LSP system to keep track of order commitments and manage receiving. If the library has no means of transmitting this data to the relevant vendors they would need to manually re-create these orders in a vendor system.
- Creating orders in a vendor system requires the library to first confirm in their own system whether they currently own the material or not. If the order can be created in the library system and electronically sent it helps prevent the duplication acquisitions work.
Use Cases & Requirements
Requirement | Status | Use cases |
Generate EDIFACT format files based on FOLIO Orders. | VERIFIED |
Send orders in different formats as specified in the Organization record. Eg EDIFACT format, email etc | VERIFIED |
Send orders based on different export method configurations for the same vendor. Configure multiple export methods per Organization record | VERIFIED |
Allow user to indicate they want the order to be sent AFTER the order has been opened. "Automate export" can be edited after order is opened. However, once exported this field must be locked down an user must explicitly state they want the order exported again for it to be included in a second export file. | VERIFIED |
Send orders in different formats for the same Organization based on account number | VERIFIED |
Limit what orders are sent based on Acquisition method for a given vendor | VERIFIED |
Allow library to trigger a "Resend" for the generated file | VERIFIED |
Display export summary on POL. Allow user to click a link and find the export file in the export log area. | VERIFIED |
There is a separate permission for download or resend export | VERIFIED |
Allow user to immediately send 1 specific order to a vendor in EDI format. Sent on it's own file? Yes Transmit via FTP or other? Other, sent via email. | VERIFIED |
Proposed workflow
Acquisition method is a converted to a controlled vocabulary
Option 1:
Default "Automate export" Yes/no, is set by acq method and applied to orders created for that organization accordingly. If it equals yes that orders will be a part of the export job
Option 2:
All acquisition methods can trigger the "Export by default" for specific Organizations. User assigns organizations to acquisition methods in settings
Option 3:
All acquisition methods can trigger the "Export by default" for specific Integrations. User identifies acquisition methods the default export to true in integration settings
- Each organization can have multiple "Integration methods" and each method is configured separately. Ie. It is possible to have multiple EDI configurations, Email, csv etc.
- Each organization account number can be associated with 1 Integration method. (Ie. EDI 1 OR EDI 2)
- Each export configuration can have multiple accounts associated with it. (Ie. EDI 1 can be assigned 3 accounts) NOTE we would need to consider No account specified as a separate assignment for organizations that have no accounts configured.
- Each Integration method may have more than 1 transmission method. In the screenshot you see FTP and Email as possibilities. 1 method is set as the primary and used by default for all transmissions
- The POL as a whole will have "Automate export" checkbox set and will have the "Export method" determined by account number. However, it can be adjusted on an order by order basis if the user desires.
Note: "Export method" is only editable if Automate export = true
- Each order line could have a different account number (Or no account number) associated with it. This will attach it to the correct export details for the format selected at the PO level. Ie. if EDI is selected the account may indicate EDI 1 or 2 etc. If email it could be different per account as well
- In this workflow the export path for acq method + account number = export details for POL.
Export details summary is be presented on the POL so user can easily confirm what happened with an export
- Accordion contains key details of the export
Orders can be filtered based on the following export details
- Export date (Date range)
Export method (Select list)Difficult because of organization dependency.
Order unopened and reopened
- When an order is being opened that was previously export. Ie. if user unopened an order to edit it and reopens again.
- User is intercepted by confirmation modal and must decide to reset the order for export. If yes it will be included in the next export for the assigned vendor.
Send Immediately
- For urgent orders user can choose to send immediately
- The orders trigger an immediate export and are sent on their own file via the transmission method
View export history
View export history for a specific export type by clicking the associated link or button
Arrive at the full screen view of the export history for that organization
Using export manager
Using Organizations
Hybrid approach
Workflow diagram:
User Questions
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Should the decision to export be determined by the acq method on the POL and be based on organization? | CLOSED | Yes, this provides the flexibility we need. | This allows export decisions to be based on the Organization AND Acquisition method. |
Should separate POLs potentially have different export settings? | CLOSED | This is not needed at the POL. Nor is it necessary to adjust the export method per POL beyond the default. It would either be Automate export or Not. | No use cases were identified for creating orders with multiple POLs for different accounts that should have different export details. |
Do export details need to be shown at the PO level? | CLOSED | Yes display export details for PO as a whole | Most institutions will create separate orders for separate accounts which means the export data will often be relevant for the order as a whole |
How will this relate to renewals? | OPEN | Waiting for use cases via Slack channel to confirm. No specific use cases brought forward in meeting. | |
Vendor Questions
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Do you have multiple configurations for individual libraries? | CLOSED | Even if the the library or entities within the library have different base accounts they MAY have separate Library EDI Codes or not. FOLIO will need to allow different configuration to have the same library editing code and vendor editing code. | If there were going to be multiple configuration there would likely be multiple vendor records. This is generally the case when there are separate base accounts. |
Do you separate orders by account in separate EDI files in in a single file? | CLOSED | Separate accounts sometimes appear on the same file in the same location. They can also be separated, this is not a concern for the vendor processing and is common practice. | From the GOBI perspective the same customer may send multiple files in a single day. It is unusual to have separate locations for an individual institution. It typically happens when you have one base account but separate subs for law, bus, etc. which will be uploaded to diff directory locations. |
Does the file need a specific identifier? | CLOSED | Doesn't have to be specific format just needs to be unique over time | What the ID is is not really a concern so long as the file names are not duplicated. If you are going to "re-send" a file within 90 days. The danger is if the file name is the same it will not be "Reprocessed" because GOBI keeps track of what's been processed. |
Does the library need to contact GOBI when a file needs to be "Re-loaded"? | CLOSED | As long as they have a resend function they can contact the vendor and the vendor will sort out the file. | The concern is more that the file never reach gobi. Ie. it wasn't successfully uploaded. In this case it would need to be resent. |
Development Questions
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
If user unopens order and reopens should this order be exported again? | CLOSED | No, exporting order in a second file should require explicit instruction from a user. Ie. a specific action that they trigger | Often times new orders will be created when significant details change. There are some situations where significant details change but we don't want the order to be sent. |
How are the export dates managed? What will be the start and end date of each export? | CLOSED | Export based on what has not been sent yet. If user triggers the re export for an order the flag should be reset so the order can be included on a new export. | Build the export file based on what orders have not yet been sent for a given vendor. When we try to send a previously exported order the system shows error message Build base on orders that have been opened and not exported yet. |
Should we allow different POLs on a single order to be exported via different methods | OPEN | This is not something libraries currently do, no use cases were brought forward. | |
If order is updated before re-send of EDI file. Should the EDI file include updates or just the original data. | CLOSED | Exports can send the latest version of an order. If libraries want or need to maintain copies they could look to the FTP server or other transmission method for a record of exactly what data was sent | If the Vendor is confirming receipt of EDI files it is not important for us to maintain proof of transmission. Generally we rely on an exact copy appearing in the method of transmission. Ie. in the email account or on the FTP server. |
Do we need to be able to export EDI files with methods other than FTP? Ie. Email? | CLOSED | We will ultimately need to support multiple transmission methods for EDI. | Some vendors require SFTP some FTP. In some cases email is used |
User makes changes of the config for which scheduled export orders In Progress : What is expected behavior? a) existing task should be stopped and overwritten by new one b) new task should wait completion of active scheduler execution in the queue? | OPEN | When a user makes changes to the export configuration the changes should only impact exports with a start date/time greater than the date/time the changes were saved. | If an export is in the queue it should not be overwritten. The start date of the export is the most important date as the export should include data from that point in time. This would include configuration. If an export was set to run at 5pm there should be no possibility that it will include data that we entered into folio after that time. Even if the export is waiting in a queue. |
Work Breakdown Structure
Work | Comments | Story | ~ Estimate | |
1 | Export must be based on "Acquisition method" and "Acquisition method" is a converted to a controlled vocabulary. |
Should it be moved to Order level? I think acquisition method should remain at the POL. It may not be important for the exporting of POL but users may use different acquisition methods for reporting purposes that all trigger export. | ||
2 | Investigate a difference between FTPS (Secure FTP) and SFTP - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12803942/secure-ftp-with-org-apache-commons-net-ftp-ftpclient
| 5 | ||
3 | Based on the current architecture and design, the export configuration should be stored in mod-configuration. CRUD operation should be done through mod-data-export-spring Note : !!!Only one configuration is supported in current implementation and refactoring is mandatory!!! | |||
4 | Check and confirm that initially set up job is not executed immediately (mod-data-export) !Checked with Slava Kandramai : Scheduled job run immediately Code ref : org.folio.des.scheduling.ExportTrigger#scheduleTaskWithDayPeriod | |||
5 | (mod-data-export-spring) Refactor existing approach to store configuration for Schedulers : The design should be easily extensible for new types of exports and customer requirements for export settings (for now BurSar configuration is hardcoded). | 3 | ||
6 |
| 8 | ||
7 | Implement EDIFACT export worker (mod-data-export)
| |||
8 | Move uploading logic on FTP from mod-invoice (src/main/java/org/folio/services/ftp) to mod-data-export-worker (mod-invoice → Kafka → mod-data-export) | 3 | ||
Clarify requirements for
| Institutions reported that they will send EDIFACT order data to an average of 6-10 different Vendors Between 100 and 300 orders per week An average of 50 orders per Vendor per week Conservative estimate would be that a larger file would include 500 orders. Which could be 5000 order lines in one single export file. | |||
Make performance testing of EDIFACT export implementation | ||||
EDI export result download
| retry job instead, download our of lotus | 3 SP | ||
| out of lotus | 8 SP | ||
Order/Order line export history
| out of lotus except filter by export date 3 SP + 1 SP | 10 SP |
Notes (Dennis' comments)
- We do not keep our copy of generated file in own object storage; only Re-export action is available vs. We keep our copy of generated file in own object storage; this copy is used for Download and Re-send actions
Learn more about MinIO (is there an option to restrict read access there?)
- Organization & export method - 1-to-many or many-to-many? The plan is to allow 1 organization to have many configurations, we do not need one configuration to reference many organizations.
- One and the same config can be shared with several organization? No, each organization will have a config that produces a unique file. However, an organization can have multiple accounts. Each account will be assigned to 1 configuration. Meaning 1 file for one or many account numbers.
- Is it possible to export one and the same order twice? E.g., it is exported in EDIFACT for consumer A, and then exported in CSV for consumer B? I would say yes, but the most common would be that the order is exported as EDIFACT for consumer A. Then some time later exported in EDIFACT for consumer B. So the order may be associated with multiple exports but the user must explicitly tell the system to export it again.
What is the condition for export? E.g., export all open orders that correspond to a particular organization? More specifically export all open orders that correspond to a particular organization and have not yet been exported.
- Export history as an event sourcing?
- ....
- UXPROD-531Getting issue details... STATUS
- UXPROD-531Getting issue details... STATUS
- Libraries often create orders in their own LSP system to keep track of order commitments and manage receiving. If the library has no means of transmitting this data to the relevant vendors they would need to manually re-create these orders in a vendor system.
- Creating orders in a vendor system requires the library to first confirm in their own system whether they currently own the material or not. If the order can be created in the library system and electronically sent it helps prevent the duplication acquisitions work.
Use Cases & Requirements
Requirement | Status | Use cases |
Generate EDIFACT format files based on FOLIO Orders. | VERIFIED |
Send orders in different formats as specified in the Organization record. Eg EDIFACT format, email etc | VERIFIED |
Send orders based on different export method configurations for the same vendor. Configure multiple export methods per Organization record | VERIFIED |
Allow user to indicate they want the order to be sent AFTER the order has been opened. "Automate export" can be edited after order is opened. However, once exported this field must be locked down an user must explicitly state they want the order exported again for it to be included in a second export file. | VERIFIED |
Send orders in different formats for the same Organization based on account number | VERIFIED |
Limit what orders are sent based on Acquisition method for a given vendor | VERIFIED |
Allow library to trigger a "Resend" for the generated file | VERIFIED |
Display export summary on POL. Allow user to click a link and find the export file in the export log area. | VERIFIED |
There is a separate permission for download or resend export | VERIFIED |
Allow user to immediately send 1 specific order to a vendor in EDI format. Sent on it's own file? Yes Transmit via FTP or other? Other, sent via email. | VERIFIED |
Proposed workflow
Acquisition method is a converted to a controlled vocabulary
Option 1:
Default "Automate export" Yes/no, is set by acq method and applied to orders created for that organization accordingly. If it equals yes that orders will be a part of the export job
Option 2:
All acquisition methods can trigger the "Export by default" for specific Organizations. User assigns organizations to acquisition methods in settings
Option 3:
All acquisition methods can trigger the "Export by default" for specific Integrations. User identifies acquisition methods the default export to true in integration settings
- Each organization can have multiple "Integration methods" and each method is configured separately. Ie. It is possible to have multiple EDI configurations, Email, csv etc.
- Each organization account number can be associated with 1 Integration method. (Ie. EDI 1 OR EDI 2)
- Each export configuration can have multiple accounts associated with it. (Ie. EDI 1 can be assigned 3 accounts) NOTE we would need to consider No account specified as a separate assignment for organizations that have no accounts configured.
- Each Integration method may have more than 1 transmission method. In the screenshot you see FTP and Email as possibilities. 1 method is set as the primary and used by default for all transmissions
- The POL as a whole will have "Automate export" checkbox set and will have the "Export method" determined by account number. However, it can be adjusted on an order by order basis if the user desires.
Note: "Export method" is only editable if Automate export = true
- Each order line could have a different account number (Or no account number) associated with it. This will attach it to the correct export details for the format selected at the PO level. Ie. if EDI is selected the account may indicate EDI 1 or 2 etc. If email it could be different per account as well
- In this workflow the export path for acq method + account number = export details for POL.
Export details summary is be presented on the POL so user can easily confirm what happened with an export
- Accordion contains key details of the export
Orders can be filtered based on the following export details
- Export date (Date range)
Export method (Select list)Difficult because of organization dependency.
Order unopened and reopened
- When an order is being opened that was previously export. Ie. if user unopened an order to edit it and reopens again.
- User is intercepted by confirmation modal and must decide to reset the order for export. If yes it will be included in the next export for the assigned vendor.
Send Immediately
- For urgent orders user can choose to send immediately
- The orders trigger an immediate export and are sent on their own file via the transmission method
View export history
View export history for a specific export type by clicking the associated link or button
Arrive at the full screen view of the export history for that organization
Using export manager
Using Organizations
Hybrid approach
Workflow diagram:
User Questions
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Should the decision to export be determined by the acq method on the POL and be based on organization? | CLOSED | Yes, this provides the flexibility we need. | This allows export decisions to be based on the Organization AND Acquisition method. |
Should separate POLs potentially have different export settings? | CLOSED | This is not needed at the POL. Nor is it necessary to adjust the export method per POL beyond the default. It would either be Automate export or Not. | No use cases were identified for creating orders with multiple POLs for different accounts that should have different export details. |
Do export details need to be shown at the PO level? | CLOSED | Yes display export details for PO as a whole | Most institutions will create separate orders for separate accounts which means the export data will often be relevant for the order as a whole |
How will this relate to renewals? | OPEN | Waiting for use cases via Slack channel to confirm. No specific use cases brought forward in meeting. | |
Vendor Questions
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Do you have multiple configurations for individual libraries? | CLOSED | Even if the the library or entities within the library have different base accounts they MAY have separate Library EDI Codes or not. FOLIO will need to allow different configuration to have the same library editing code and vendor editing code. | If there were going to be multiple configuration there would likely be multiple vendor records. This is generally the case when there are separate base accounts. |
Do you separate orders by account in separate EDI files in in a single file? | CLOSED | Separate accounts sometimes appear on the same file in the same location. They can also be separated, this is not a concern for the vendor processing and is common practice. | From the GOBI perspective the same customer may send multiple files in a single day. It is unusual to have separate locations for an individual institution. It typically happens when you have one base account but separate subs for law, bus, etc. which will be uploaded to diff directory locations. |
Does the file need a specific identifier? | CLOSED | Doesn't have to be specific format just needs to be unique over time | What the ID is is not really a concern so long as the file names are not duplicated. If you are going to "re-send" a file within 90 days. The danger is if the file name is the same it will not be "Reprocessed" because GOBI keeps track of what's been processed. |
Does the library need to contact GOBI when a file needs to be "Re-loaded"? | CLOSED | As long as they have a resend function they can contact the vendor and the vendor will sort out the file. | The concern is more that the file never reach gobi. Ie. it wasn't successfully uploaded. In this case it would need to be resent. |
Development Questions
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
If user unopens order and reopens should this order be exported again? | CLOSED | No, exporting order in a second file should require explicit instruction from a user. Ie. a specific action that they trigger | Often times new orders will be created when significant details change. There are some situations where significant details change but we don't want the order to be sent. |
How are the export dates managed? What will be the start and end date of each export? | CLOSED | Export based on what has not been sent yet. If user triggers the re export for an order the flag should be reset so the order can be included on a new export. | Build the export file based on what orders have not yet been sent for a given vendor. When we try to send a previously exported order the system shows error message Build base on orders that have been opened and not exported yet. |
Should we allow different POLs on a single order to be exported via different methods | OPEN | This is not something libraries currently do, no use cases were brought forward. | |
If order is updated before re-send of EDI file. Should the EDI file include updates or just the original data. | CLOSED | Exports can send the latest version of an order. If libraries want or need to maintain copies they could look to the FTP server or other transmission method for a record of exactly what data was sent | If the Vendor is confirming receipt of EDI files it is not important for us to maintain proof of transmission. Generally we rely on an exact copy appearing in the method of transmission. Ie. in the email account or on the FTP server. |
Do we need to be able to export EDI files with methods other than FTP? Ie. Email? | CLOSED | We will ultimately need to support multiple transmission methods for EDI. | Some vendors require SFTP some FTP. In some cases email is used |
User makes changes of the config for which scheduled export orders In Progress : What is expected behavior? a) existing task should be stopped and overwritten by new one b) new task should wait completion of active scheduler execution in the queue? | OPEN | When a user makes changes to the export configuration the changes should only impact exports with a start date/time greater than the date/time the changes were saved. | If an export is in the queue it should not be overwritten. The start date of the export is the most important date as the export should include data from that point in time. This would include configuration. If an export was set to run at 5pm there should be no possibility that it will include data that we entered into folio after that time. Even if the export is waiting in a queue. |
Work Breakdown Structure
Work | Comments | Story | ~ Estimate | |
1 | Export must be based on "Acquisition method" and "Acquisition method" is a converted to a controlled vocabulary. |
Should it be moved to Order level? I think acquisition method should remain at the POL. It may not be important for the exporting of POL but users may use different acquisition methods for reporting purposes that all trigger export. | ||
2 | Investigate a difference between FTPS (Secure FTP) and SFTP - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12803942/secure-ftp-with-org-apache-commons-net-ftp-ftpclient
| 5 | ||
3 | Based on the current architecture and design, the export configuration should be stored in mod-configuration. CRUD operation should be done through mod-data-export-spring Note : !!!Only one configuration is supported in current implementation and refactoring is mandatory!!! | |||
4 | Check and confirm that initially set up job is not executed immediately (mod-data-export) !Checked with Slava Kandramai : Scheduled job run immediately Code ref : org.folio.des.scheduling.ExportTrigger#scheduleTaskWithDayPeriod | |||
5 | (mod-data-export-spring) Refactor existing approach to store configuration for Schedulers : The design should be easily extensible for new types of exports and customer requirements for export settings (for now BurSar configuration is hardcoded). | 3 | ||
6 |
| 8 | ||
7 | Implement EDIFACT export worker (mod-data-export)
| |||
8 | Move uploading logic on FTP from mod-invoice (src/main/java/org/folio/services/ftp) to mod-data-export-worker (mod-invoice → Kafka → mod-data-export) | 3 | ||
Clarify requirements for
| Institutions reported that they will send EDIFACT order data to an average of 6-10 different Vendors Between 100 and 300 orders per week An average of 50 orders per Vendor per week Conservative estimate would be that a larger file would include 500 orders. Which could be 5000 order lines in one single export file. Question was asked in grooming how long we need to keep files in MINIO storage. The user group consensus was a minimum of 6 months. 1 year would be more comfortable as it corresponds with the fiscal year period. However, 6 months would be reasonable, particularly if they will still have the details in the export job for a longer period of time. | |||
Make performance testing of EDIFACT export implementation | ||||
EDI export result download
| retry job instead, download our of lotus | 3 SP | ||
| out of lotus | 8 SP | ||
Order/Order line export history
| out of lotus except filter by export date 3 SP + 1 SP | 10 SP |
Notes (Dennis' comments)
- We do not keep our copy of generated file in own object storage; only Re-export action is available vs. We keep our copy of generated file in own object storage; this copy is used for Download and Re-send actions
Learn more about MinIO (is there an option to restrict read access there?)
- Organization & export method - 1-to-many or many-to-many? The plan is to allow 1 organization to have many configurations, we do not need one configuration to reference many organizations.
- One and the same config can be shared with several organization? No, each organization will have a config that produces a unique file. However, an organization can have multiple accounts. Each account will be assigned to 1 configuration. Meaning 1 file for one or many account numbers.
- Is it possible to export one and the same order twice? E.g., it is exported in EDIFACT for consumer A, and then exported in CSV for consumer B? I would say yes, but the most common would be that the order is exported as EDIFACT for consumer A. Then some time later exported in EDIFACT for consumer B. So the order may be associated with multiple exports but the user must explicitly tell the system to export it again.
What is the condition for export? E.g., export all open orders that correspond to a particular organization? More specifically export all open orders that correspond to a particular organization and have not yet been exported.
- Export history as an event sourcing?
- ....
- UXPROD-531Getting issue details... STATUS