Export organization info to third-party systems

Export organization info to third-party systems

UXPROD-4164 - Getting issue details... STATUS


 Some libraries need to output organization information to third party systems for a variety of purposes, such as invoice payment. The assumption in this case is that the library system has the most current information for the organization, and that information needs to be transmitted to other related systems.

Requirements and Use Cases:

RequirementStatusUse Cases
(SAMPLE) Library must be able to provide external systems with the most up-to-date information available about organization contact info.


Library's accounts payable system relies on information stored in FOLIO to ensure accurate information for payment of invoices. The library considers the ILS to be the source of truth for Vendor banking details because most staff members do not have permissions required to perform updates in the AP system.


Librarian places an order, encumbering a set amount of money. The order includes an Organization CODE that does not yet exist in AP system.


Librarian places an order, encumbering a set amount of money. The order includes an Organization with a "Last updated date" that is > then the last updated date stored in AP system.


Access database for DMEP needs to be updated with participant information in preparation for shipping materials
Library must be able to transmit new organization (and banking) records to external systems when they are created


New vendor is created, script runs and grabs newly created vendor for load into AP system.


  • Create new organization records in FOLIO
    • External scripts run on a scheduled (nightly?) basis to retrieve newly created organization records that meet specified criteria:
      • Vendor for Accounts Payable integration
      • Exchange Partner for DMEP integration
    • External scripts handle ETL process for the appropriate external system
  • Existing vendor updated (including banking info)
    • External scripts retrieve orders, POLs and cancellations on a scheduled (nightly?) or triggered basis
      • Orders, POLs and cancellations include full vendor and banking info
      • External AP system updates vendor info based on vendor info in Order/POL/Cancellation file
  • Existing exchange partner info updated
    • Approach TBD


What fields are required?


See sample output
What method(s) of output are needed/desired (i.e. API, csv...?)


JSON, CSV desired
How is the export/update to be triggered (manual export, cron job, API call...)?


As with orders/POLs (generally nightly cron job, sometimes manually triggered)
What are the three triggers for exporting organization information?


Organization data is captured with order data when order data is transmitted. Any script requesting order data (including cancellations, credits, etc.) should capture organization information.

One is a new order is opened with a new or changed organization associated with it...

PO approved in entirety, invoice approved, PO(L) cancelled, Banking/payment info updated. New vendor gets created in FOLIO and is transmitted in the context of a new order

Organization data is ALWAYS transmitted. Momentum compares incoming data to existing data. If there are differences between incoming vendor data and existing vendor data (including banking information), Momentum will use the incoming data and overwrite existing data.
Does the organization need to be created in momentum separately or is it created based on data coming in from the ILS. How is the org assigned an Institution ID (Accounting code)


New vendor created in ILS and transmitted. Occasionally there is a need for manual creation, but that's not supposed to work that way. Current process is problematic and has too many errors.

Voyager: Properties tab has an uneditable 5-digit number. Also has A000XXXXX which is Momentum code number. XXXXX is based on uneditable 5-digit.

Momentum requirement is AXXXXXXXX (unclear whether hard-coded or LOC defined). Possible to use the same vendor code in both systems?

Need to confirm if CRS uses preceding A or something else. 

Schema is alpha+8 digits. FOLIO vendor code should work, Accounting code is also a possibility. Accounting codes are per account (if a single vendor has multiple accounts associated).

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