Allow user to export Fund and budget information for ledger

UXPROD-199 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-3620 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Users are not easily able to export financial data to run financial reports without a reporting tool
  2. Users are not able to easily verify budget totals by exporting transactions to a spreadsheet
  3. Users are not able to export a summary of Ledger budget totals by group and Fund and expense class

Use Cases & Requirements:

RequirementStatusUse cases
Allow user to export all budgets for a Ledger without group information. Meaning one row per budget


  • User needs to see activity and work with it by Ledger, Funds and expense classes for a given fiscal year
Allow user to export all budgets for a Ledger by group. Meaning some budgets may appear in more than one row if assigned to more than one group.


  • User needs to see and work with financial activity by Ledger, Groups, Funds and expense classes for a given fiscal year

Proposed workflow:


Questions StatusConclusionsComments
What fields from each level are critical for export?


Work Breakdown Structure:


UXPROD-199 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-3620 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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