Field mapping syntax for EDIFACT Order files
Field mapping syntax for EDIFACT Order files
FOLIO exports order data in EDIFACT format through the export module
Background information on the EDIFACT order format: (from EDItEUR)
Default data
- Must be enclosed in double quotation marks, e.g. Terms: "Net 30"
- If the field has pre-defined reference data, a dropdown list appears. When a value is selected from a dropdown list, it will automatically be enclosed in quotation marks. To avoid types if a field has a dropdown list, libraries are encouraged to select a default value from the list, rather than typing the value into the field.
EDIFACT order structure
- An EDIFACT invoice consists of a header, one or more order lines, and a footer.
- Segments of the invoice are separated by an apostrophe ( ' ) or caret ( ^ )
- Within a segment, each field is separated by a plus sign (+)
- Within a field, each subfield is separated by a colon ( : )
- A qualifier may also be appended to a subfield, following the subfield's data, and pre-pended with a colon
Kinds of prices
EDIFACT orders can include price information at the order level and at the order line level. Details are available in the EDItEUR documentation.
Additional information
- On Folijet, Ruslan Lavrovdid the most detailed work with incoming EDIFACT invoice messages, so may be a helpful resource for Thunderjet
- Also, Folijet selected StAEDI as the open source parser to use parsing incoming EDIFACT invoices, rather than having to build all the parsing locally. See MODDATAIMP-317 for more details.