Field Mapping profiles: EDIFACT
What is Edifact?
EDIFACT is a documentation standard used to exchange electronic business libraries. Some library vendors use EDIFACT documents to provide electronic invoicing to libraries.
An EDIFACT invoice consists of a header, one or more invoice lines, and a footer.
- Segments of the invoice are separated by an apostrophe ( ' ) or caret ( ^ )
- Within a segment, each field is separated by a plus sign (+)
- Within a field, each subfield is separated by a colon ( : )
- A qualifier may also be appended to a subfield, following the subfield's data, and pre-pended with a colon
Adapting the default field mapping profiles for individual library use
For each data element in the field mapping profile, the library can specify default (constant) data or a mapping to one or more areas in the EDIFACT file or in the invoice line's related purchase order line (POL).
Fields that need to be added to a library's local copy of the field mapping include:
- Invoice information
- Batch group
- Acquisitions unit (if used by your library)
- Vendor information
- Vendor name - use organization lookup to connect it to an existing organization in your library tenant
- Extended information
- Payment method - choose from the drop-down
- Currency and exchange rate - if you need different from default
Add details here - which fields need to be added, creating action profile, creating job profile
Using default FOLIO data in EDIFACT mappings
Default data must be enclosed in double quotation marks, e.g. Terms: "Net 30"
If the field has pre-defined reference data, a dropdown list appears. When a value is selected from a dropdown list, it will automatically be enclosed in quotation marks. To avoid types if a field has a dropdown list, libraries are encouraged to select a default value from the list, rather than typing the value into the field.