Track the value of unapproved orders on budgets

UXPROD-4104 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Some libraries create and hold orders in a "pending" status in order to make a purchasing decision based on funds available at the end of a fiscal year. Libraries want to be able to track the value of those pending orders in order to accurately determine what the budget will allow.

Requirements and Use Cases:

RequirementStatusUse Cases
(SAMPLE) Library must be able to generate a report indicating the total value of all pending orders without impacting actual orders or encumbrances


Acquisitions librarian wants to know "at a glance" the value of orders in "pending" status in the broader context of funds available, encumbered and spent. Currently does not show in the voyager fund record. This is delivered by reports.
Report must be accessible on demand, with minimal delay.


Nearing the end of the fiscal year, a librarian needs to know how much money remains unspent as well as how much money would become encumbered if pending orders were to be opened/approved in order to manage annual budgets appropriately, and sweep funds.


Librarians create orders in pending status with purchase decisions to be made based on available funds at the end of (final days of) the fiscal year. Currently is generated on a weekly basis. It is run by a cron job at the end of the week.


The approval of orders is ongoing as we could not deal with the volume at the end of the year. This report is referred to throughout the year. Currently is generated on a weekly basis and the frequency increases at certain times a year. It is run by a cron job at the necessary interval.


Are there any use cases where an order in "pending" status should NOT be included?


No, ultimately the value of 0 dollar orders will not be a concern. There are no other special circumstances.The orders that might be "Excluded" would be the ones with 0 dollar amounts. Obviously these values won't affect the balances anyway.
Does this information need to be real-time or report-driven?


Highly desirable to have this information at a higher frequency in order to avoid manual work calculating values and communicating current values to ordering and invoice processing staff members.

Currently is generated on a weekly basis. It is run by a cron job at the end of the week. Needing to rely on the report means making decisions at the end of a budget cycle (fiscal year or continuing resolution) we need to make the calculation at that moment to make sure the money is there. Doing the math on their own means users are not aware of what other users are doing on the fly. There are conflicts that occur which result in more manual work to calculate where else money can be taken from.

There is a voyager ticket to show pending values on Fund records. Currently that has still not been implemented.

Are there associations with specific fiscal years? Do we need to account for that?


No, this function is specific to the active fiscal year.This process is driven by the need to commit or expend funds during the active fiscal year. Invoicing can then be done later. So this report is critical for finalizing commitments during the active commitment period.Â