Update Orders Search Interface Design
Update Orders Search Interface Design
- Users are not able to see orders and order lines at the same time.
- When searching users need to choose between order and order line details. This limits possible search criteria for both types of record and is not user friendly.
Use Cases & Requirements:
Requirement | Status | Use cases |
Allow user to search combined list with search and filter criteria from either PO or POL | PENDING |
Display PO and POL details in a single search result list. allow user to select either PO or POL to view details | PENDING |
Proposed workflow:
- User can choose the "Tab based" or "One search" view (Mockup TBD)
- With "One search" user can search and filter based on order OR order line criteria
- For each PO user can see the number count of POLs that appear on that PO
- When a search is executed the result lists show a hierarchical list rather than a table
- When search query hits POL data the PO is expanded by default in the result list (How to highlight the actual search hits or what the search hit on. Ie PO or POL)
- Changing relevancy selection adjusts the order of the result list. (How to change between ascending or descending??)
- When users selects a PO or POL the record is displayed in the third pane
Draft proof of concept for hierarchical lists in search results:
Here's a draft PR for the POC
Please ignore anything related to Pagination component - I created my branch from John's Pagination work. It's used only in Storybook and not needed by the actual implementation
User Questions:
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
How segmented do filters need to be? Would you want to search Date created, but only order date created and not POL? | OPEN | AISIG: Could see this being valuable in some situations | |
How could the search and filter are be better organized. There will be a lot of filters. How will the search terms work? There will now be a lot of search possibilities in the drop down. |
Vendor Questions:
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Development Questions:
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Work Breakdown Structure:
UI Stories
MOD Stories