Support importing orders from MARC files via Data Import

Prep Jira: UXPROD-3361 - Prep for Importing Orders in MARC format IN PROGRESS (Morning Glory)

Data Import Dev Jira: UXPROD-185 - Import Orders in MARC format DRAFT (Nolana, Folijet)

Acquisitions Support Jira: TBD     (Nolana, Thunderjet)

Overview slide deck: Click here

See SME requirements and other links at Create orders by importing MARC Bibliographic Records

Technical/Developer details: Support importing orders from MARC files via Data Import

Rough draft of requirements and focus group meeting notes: Using MARC Bibs and Data Import to create FOLIO POLs


  1. If vendors provide MARC bib records when materials are ordered it is difficult to overlay those records on top of the correct Instances generated by Order lines.
  2. Instance matching is not 100% accurate. When relying on Orders to create instances it is possible for the Orders app to link itself to the wrong instance rather than creating or attaching itself to the correct one.

Use Cases & Requirements:

RequirementStatusUse cases

Allow user to set a specific order line limit for orders being created through data import


  • Even though general ordering is limited to single line POLs Approval orders can be much more efficient as multi line POLs. We would expect the approval orders imported via MARC to be able to generate multi line orders
Retrieve File automatically from FTP - Have GOBI send file to FOLIO API endpoint.


  • MARC records transmitted to FOLIO from GOBI should be seamlessly imported. Requiring them to be manual retrieved and uploaded breaks the automation of this workflow. UXPROD-3699 - Getting issue details... STATUS UXPROD-3698 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Allow other FOLIO applications to trigger a "Receive all" pieces for one or more POLs. Changing the pieces status to Received


  • With shelf ready approval workflows the material is considered received at point of order.
Allow data import to create the instance File and create POL with specific reference to that instance.


Proposed workflow:

Functionality Potentially Impacted by Changes:

Functional area


Potential impact

Suggested Regression Testing









Work Breakdown Structure:


UI Stories

MOD Stories

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution