Display a history of edits for the INVOICE record

UXPROD-3456 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-5086 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Invoices in FOLIO can go through multiple iterations as they go through the entry and approval process. Libraries need the ability to track invoice changes for auditing and troubleshooting purposes.
  2. Invoice lines can also go through multiple iterations and updates. Libraries need the ability to track changes in individual invoice lines.

Use Cases & Requirements:

Deferred requirements

RequirementStatusUse cases
User is shown what field was edited and when it was edited (Date and Time), in local timezone


During invoice update, approval, payment and audit, users may need to track changes made to the invoice over time. This information may include changes to price, currency, exchange rate and other invoice line item specifics, such as fund allocation changes.

User is shown what the original value was and what new value was input


When information changes, the original information is lost, and users may need to retain that original historical information. For instance, a user may need to refer back to an original planned fund allocation when the current allocation is different.
User can filter through list of changes. Filtering on original value, new value or field name


Over time, the number of changes can make it difficult to locate specific changes so the knowledge is effectively lost even though it is tracked in the system.
User are able to add notes to the invoice record and those note are captured in the version history


In certain circumstances, it may be important to document why a particular change was made, and this needs to be captured somewhere. For instance, a user may wish to make a note that a fund allocation was changed on a particular invoice to account for insufficient available balances in a given fund or other similar circumstances.

Changes tracking begins when invoice is created


Changes are a concern after the invoice has been approved for the first time but helpful to know what has happened since the invoice was created.

User can reveal what fields have been edited, if needed.


In some systems, certain fields are highlighted when changed. This is sometimes used to highlight fields not normally subject to change.
Track changes made by system users or actions


As vouchers are created, updated, approved and paid, the system automatically makes changes to other records, including adjustments to spent finances, invoice status, and/or updating the invoice details.
Track the deleted invoice lines in the version history UXPROD-5086 - Getting issue details... STATUS VERIFIEDOver time users may add and remove invoice lines before approval if the order is changing of the fees associated with the purchase are updated.

Proposed workflow:

Access change log


Requirements Board:







Work Breakdown Structure:


UXPROD-204 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-3456 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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