2021-11-11 Product Council/SIG Conveners Meeting Notes

2021-11-11 Product Council/SIG Conveners Meeting Notes


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Discussion items

5 minAnnouncementsJesse
  • The criteria for inclusion in FOLIO working group has two volunteers from TC:  Marc Johnson and Jeremy Huff.  It is now time to get the group going.
  • The prioritization working group has 3 new members—making a total of 7.  This group will start its work as well.
  • Product Council will not have a meeting on November 25 due to the U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday.  The question of how the project handles meetings on various national holidays has been referred to Community Council

The FOLIO Product Council introduced the idea of a SWOT survey for the FOLIO Community. The working groups inviting any implemented library – or any soon-to-be-implemented library – to participate at https://forms.office.com/r/XDi2pEJtzU.
The form linked above is designed so that multiple people from a single institution can fill it out – multiple times if desired! There are no demographic questions included in the form, but you may self-identify if you wish.
Please participate by November 30th to ensure that your institution’s voice is heard!
If you’re interested in viewing the discussion from November 2nd, a meeting recording can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mVUmi2o1ki61_HhV7TpCow0hahDENOJq/view?usp=sharing
We have had 19 responses so far to the survey

10 minWOLFcon updatesMike

WOLFcon 2022 planning underway - and we need SIG/Council input.  August 31 through September 2 at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany.  See slides for details.  Need ideas for sessions; for instance, from community council: governance retrospective/discussion, quarterly community meeting, and budget and planning session.  The early ideas can be rough; they are useful for people planning budgets.  Thinking there should be sessions for developers, SMEs and SIG members, and library leadership.  Add items to FOLIO at WOLFcon 2022 by December 1.  Refinements will happen starting in December.

10 min Support SIG - Request for representatives from other SIGsJesseThe Support SIG depends on having knowledge about the many parts of FOLIO in order to do their work most effectively. They are requesting that other SIGs identify someone who can regularly attend Support SIG meetings (currently on Mondays at 10:00 Eastern) to provide insight about the impact of bugs on functionality and what teams are appropriate to address those bugs.  Having broad participation helps with the long-term viability of the community.  Active SIG members, whether or not they are at a library that is live on FOLIO, are welcome.  Participation in the Support Slack channel is also welcome.  Most meetings go through the support dashboard with time at the end for finding general observations.
45 minSIG UpdatesJesse and SIG conveners

App Interaction (Martina Schildt)

In the App Interaction SIG the POs demo the latest functionality of the different apps. In recent meetings the group talked about the newest functionality in acquisitions, such as linking from the order to a holdings record instead of the location. If details are added or changed in inventory, the information on the POL is now updated accordingly. Data syncing issues were discussed in that context. One example: an order is deleted and thereby the related item is deleted in Inventory. What happens to possible requests?

The Dashboard was presented with its current functionality. Possible further use cases came up and will be collected and discussed. Displaying information on the Dashboard is for example of great interest for Orders/Receiving.

The Data sync working group is checking different data sync use cases against a PoC for Acquisitions.

Acquisitions (Martina Schildt)

The Acquisitions SIG spent time on reviewing receiving enhancements. Discussion is going on about handling subscriptions and ongoing orders using subscription patterns. 

The SIG agreed on those data points that should be displayed on the acquisitions accordion on instances as well as items.

ERM (Martina Tumulla & Martina Schildt)

The ERM SIG discussed the latest items from the list of implementers topics, some of them concerning UX adjustments or the addition of information on specific records. Furthermore, requirements for exporting agreements as csv are being collected.

Open Access (Björn Muschall)

User Management (Maura Byrne)

  • SIG has several open feature requests. We’ve decided to prioritize features that require only UI development.  Candidates:
    • Display preferred name when calling up a user, should a preferred name exist in the user record.
    • Make a button in the User record, “Un-assign all permissions.”
    • Get a report of all active users in a calendar year.
  • We’ve decided to take up a UI for Permissions management in February.  Given the holidays and other schedule concerns, we decided not to take it up before then.  We will be putting notices in Slack channels in January, inviting people who work with permissions to join the discussion.  If someone in your SIG or your institution is interested, I will happily take their names and add them to the mailing list in February.
  • We discussed documentation, and have a few user-related functions that we can demo or walk through as a supplement to the documentation.  

Resource Access (Jana Freytag)

  • several Reporting cross meetings with Angela Zoss:
    • new release of our query data base shortly
    • discussed various queries needed for RA uses
    • demo of the LDP App by Angela Zoss: Recording 
    • Anonymization of closed requests and depending reporting needs
  • Bulk editing by Magda Zacharska
  • Enhancement of Check-in and Check-out that might help address the duplicate barcode issue by Brooks Travis
    • Since this is a tenant-level solution, no one on the SIG has any objections to Brooks' proposed solution, especially if the developer time comes from INN-Reach! Institutions that aren’t likely to be affected to this expressed an interest in hearing from those that do implement this about any impact on response times.
  • Update on documentation group by Erin Nettifee 
    • see notes with many helpful links for RA documentation
  • Bug fest feedback:
    • a high barrier for new testers because of the settings you have to work through before testing 
    • suggestion: General pre set circulation rules for some tests
    • a plus: creating your own test environment will get the tester familiar with the system quickly
    • trouble with onboarding people in institutions: tests seem to be difficult to manage
  • How are fee/fines implemented? - Meeting series
    • A walk through Overdue fine, Lost item fee, and Patron notice policies by Andy Horbal

Reporting (Angela Zoss)

  • SIG meetings continuing to cover some professional development topics like navigating LDP and Metadb, querying non-Roman scripts, etc.
  • Beginning to prepare for transitioning queries from LDP to Metadb. Note: new tool, LDLite, has similar transformations to Metadb, so Metadb queries might be used by institutions without Metadb by using LDLite to extract from FOLIO via API
  • Hoping to schedule some outreach soon - FOLIO Forums, possibly training
  • Ongoing reminders for all FOLIO Participating Institutions
    • Action =>> Please review Reporting SIG-All Report Clusters (57 issues) in JIRA and RANK each report cluster for your institution (R1-R5); the SIG uses these ranks to prioritize report development
    • Reporting SIG is always recruiting new subject matter experts and report developers. Please contact Angela if you have staff who would be a good fit for reporting.

Metadata Management (Laura Daniels)

  • Reviewed proposed updates to Inventory Instance Actions menu to accommodate MARC holdings creation/editing; screenshots can be seen in https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UIIN-1625
  • MARC holdings possible starting with Kiwi (some limitations on functionality)
  • Presentation (thanks to Vince Bareau) & discussion on proposed behavior of Reference Data during upgrades
  • Assisted POs with writing and reviewing test cases for Kiwi Bugfest -- this model of SMEs helping write the test cases works well, we end up with more realistic cases that better reflect library workflows and SMEs gain more understanding of FOLIO functionality and testing
  • Multiple discussions of optimistic locking (https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-3058)
  • ElasticSearch implementation -- the ES PoC search UI changes (including facets) were "rolled back," reinstating the previous UI (with drop-downs) for Kiwi, based on community feedback (particularly from implemented libraries) -- how might we avoid situations like this in future?
  • Deleting Instance records; Robert Wilson from MTSU talked through and demonstrated deleting Instance records via API -- discussion followed around checking for dependencies. Identifying potential dependencies (such as item status checked out or holdings linked to POL) and a way to check for them reliably is the biggest challenge.
  • Today’s meeting will include a presentation on deleting instances using the future module (Lotus): mod-inventory-update
  • Succession planning: Felix Hemme and Raegan Wiechert will be taking over as MM co-conveners (date tbd); Laura will continue to attend MM meetings as a SME and to represent MM in the App Interaction SIG

Consortia (Noah Brubaker)

The SIG is discussing a Consortium Admin tools that would cover head-office needs.  The SIG is also collecting privacy and data use needs from a consortia perspective.

Accessibility (Beth German, had to leave for another meeting

  • Beth would like to step down as SIG convener. If anyone is interested or have any questions, you can email her at egerman@tamu.edu 

SysOps (Ingolf Kuss)

Implementers (Paula Sullenger)

We have had several visitors seeking feedback from the implementers group.

  • Dennis Bridges sought feedback about the receiving app, particularly print serials receiving.  A  major takeaway from the meeting was that what people were most concerned about was claiming, which has always been based on receipt patterns.
  • SysOps sought feedback on external app integrations needed by institutions.
  • Charlotte Whitt discussed elastic search options with the group excited about drop down menus.
  • Harry Kaplanian updated the group on Capacity Planning, its role and discussions about selecting features for Lotus and beyond.  He reminded the group about the loss of developers that FOLIO is experiencing, and how that will negatively impact future development.
  • Sharon Wiles-Young and Anya Arnold visited to introduce a SWOT analysis they are conducting, asking implemented and soon-to-implement institutions to fill out their survey by the end of this month.

Support (Anya Arnold and Debra Howell)

  • Need to have more sig/ library representation  
  • Since as a community we are supporting current release and the past release, we are getting tickets that folks do not want to fix since it will be fixed in the next release… is this OK or should those fixes be back ported if a P1/P2 
  • https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa
  • The community needs to start discussions on establishing the “Long Term Support” (LTS) release moniker as described in the FOLIO Release Numbering policy.

Privacy (Carsten Schwill and Adam Chandler)

Public Library (Adam Murray)

Future Agenda Topics
  • Review release scheduling philosophy and establishment of the Long Term Support (LTS) release.
  • For next week, presentation of the FOLIO Roadmap
  • How can the community support a WOLFcon in Asia with potential speakers?

Meeting chat

09:31:39 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
09:44:52 From  Mike Gorrell  to  Everyone:
    Permissions should be all set for my presentation
09:45:22 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    It's now available!
09:57:52 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    The Open Access group discussions are going well and the OA app is now part of the build on hosted reference environments, although functionality is currently v limited
10:01:03 From  German, Elizabeth  to  Everyone:
    Sorry, need to leave for another meeting. Notes are in the doc. Accessibility is looking for new convener. If anyone is interested or has questions, they can contact me at egerman@tamu.edu.
10:04:01 From  Angela Zoss  to  Everyone:
    also have to run to another meeting, but feel free to reach out if you need anything!
10:04:38 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    FOLIO Product Council, introduced the idea of a SWOT survey for the FOLIO Community. They have invited any implemented library – or any soon-to-be-implemented library – to participate at https://forms.office.com/r/XDi2pEJtzU.
    The form linked above is designed so that multiple people from a single institution can fill it out – multiple times if desired! There are no demographic questions included in the form, but you may self-identify if you wish.
    Please participate by November 30th to ensure that your institution’s voice is heard!
    If you’re interested in viewing the discussion from November 2nd, a meeting recording can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mVUmi2o1ki61_HhV7TpCow0hahDENOJq/view?usp=sharing
10:05:02 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    We have had 19 responses so far to the survey
10:17:50 From  Travis, Brooks L  to  Everyone:
    Sounds like we might be coming back to the LTS model conversation.
10:19:10 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
10:32:36 From  Mike Gorrell  to  Everyone:
    Lucy if you want to follow up with me directly I can let you know the status of access to those email addresses.
10:32:39 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    The Twitter feed as well
10:37:13 From  Laura Daniels  to  Everyone:
    can we adopt all holidays -- any holiday anywhere = a FOLIO holiday?
10:37:25 From  Travis, Brooks L  to  Everyone:
    Who knows, maybe some people do �
10:37:43 From  Jana Freytag  to  Everyone:
10:37:59 From  Anya  to  Everyone:
    There are many libraries that are off today in the US
10:38:04 From  Laura Daniels  to  Everyone:
    it should not just be US holidays
10:38:17 From  Ingolf Kuss  to  Everyone:
10:38:54 From  Charlotte Whitt  to  Everyone:
    And us Europeans get a meeting free work day :-)
10:39:04 From  Tod Olson  to  Everyone:
    I learned recently that Jack O'Lantern is originally another name for Will-o-the-Wisp.

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