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2024-09-05 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes
2024-09-05 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes
“Utility” for mapping of SRS MARC records and Inventory records
Today, updates to MARC-FOLIO mapping rules may cause inconsistencies between search and record display; updating all existing data is really slow (may take weeks).
Module is purely backend / background, no UI
This module is intended to run once as part of the upgrade/update process: First update mappings, run process, resume normal import
Kristin: What about collisions when editing inventory or importing data during updating?
Khalilah: Best would be to first do update, then resume other activities. Updating can be done during off-hours
Kristin: How about performance, time needed?
Taras: Depends on resources available for the module; multiple workers can be defined to work in parallel; in tests, 100.000 records got processed in 10-15min; great performance boost in comparison to current update workflow using data import
Peter: If the records in inventory are touched, are timestamps going to be updated?
Taras: Not 100% sure, but most likely; Same technical library used as with data import
Jennifer: For updates in authorities mapping rules, is it the same behavior as for bibliographic records? I.e. existing records are not automatically updated
Khalilah: Yes. Once you update or create a record, the new mapping is applied; this new module only helps for records not touched “since long”
Jennifer: can the migration results be shared?
Taras: During migration all errors are stored in files and can be accessed as well as the original records
Brooks: How is the remapping being performed technically?
Taras: shows graphic on wiki; only mapping library of data import is used; no Kafka messages are created for import, just for inventory update
Any errors (race conditions etc) are logged in the logging file
Felix (in chat): can there be multiple mapping rules?
there can only be one (the default mapping)
Felix (in chat): will an update respect potentially created auth links in the instance?
Khalilah: Yes
mod-record-specifications (aka Mr Specs) > This backend module supports tenant level MARC validation rules configuration. A library will be able to define MARC validation rules MARC bib and MARC authority records with this module. An error will either Warn a cataloger or prevent the quickMARC from being saved.
Quickmarc UI is also going to be enhanced for user hints/errors msgs
only works for QuickMARC
rules are configured through API only
Peter: are the validations done in the UI only?
Pavlo: the checks are done in the API
Jennifer: Which rules can be configured?
Khalilah: There are rules that can be customized and rules that cannot be changed (slide with table) depending on MARC specification for system, standard, and local fields. Applies to bib and authority records
Jennifer: regarding 008, what about char length errors (39 chrs), is this handled?
Khalilah: Such errors are handled; Error msg is displayed for less chars; problem in past was that you could not edit the marc
Jennifer: For too many chars, the exceeding chars could not be accessed