2024-08-19 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Jenn Colt is next, followed by Florian Gleixner

Reminder:  Please copy/paste the Zoom chat into the notes.  If you miss it, this is saved along with the meeting recording, but having it here has benefits.

5-10 minLiaison Updates
  • CC: Maccabee Levine
    • No CC meeting today
  • PC: Tod Olson
    • Continued discussion on supporting Roadmap, prioritization process, etc.
  • RMS Group:
    • No meeting this week
  • Security Team: 
    • No update
  • Tri-council Application Formalization:  
    • No meeting last week, meet this week
1 minUpcoming MeetingsAll
  •  - Dedicated Discussion: Architectural decision making
  •  - Regular TC Meeting
  •  - Dedicated Discussion: Refine the OST process to ensure better coordination between SysOps and the TC
  •  - Regular TC Meeting
5-15 minTCR Board ReviewAll
  • mod-marc-migrations working on game plan
  • tcr-42 waiting on PC approval
  • tcr-45 assigned for now to Marc Johnson
5-15 min

Technical Council Sub-Groups Updates


  • static code analysis
    • discussion of scope - needed clarification on remit of the group, change name? automated testing vs code analysis, code coverage
    • review sonar cloud settings and make recommendations for other tools
    • make docs less sonar cloud centric has been worked on
    • group decided need TC's opinion about scope of group
    • original description doesn't mention automated testing
    • goal was to make it less about sonar cloud
    • should test coverage be separate group?
    • coverage can be mentioned as something that needs to be measured by whatever tool is used but don't go beyond that
    • the group should not expand its scope
  • Developer documentation
    • discussing recruiting for group, talking to community members
1 minRFCs



  • Review of open items, such as the need for decision log records and the application of the "Go" RFC.
1 minDecision LogAll

Need to log decisions for the following:  (see above)

  • Discussions on the necessity of a Wednesday meeting to address the OST process and involvement of Sysops.
< 5 min

Officially Supported Technologies (OST)


Check Recurring Calendar

  • Discuss message in #tech-council from Julian Ladisch...
    • Spring Boot 3.4 and Spring Framework 6.2 for Ramsons
    • 3.3 ends before Ramsons support period ends, using 3.4 would prevent this. Right now there is a milestone version, RC by bugfest and final in November. Would need to be communicated early to the development groups. But the final would be after code freeze, would have to use RC.
    • Would upgrade to milestone version, around  bugfest go to RC then after bugfest to release, so three times, teams might opt to not do all three
    • CSP might be easier to handle for teams than doing it during bugfest
    • What would happen in the CSP? 3.3 to 3.4. Could be higher risk to do a minor version upgrade that requires small changes
    • Going to GA on an RC of spring boot seems odd. but by the time we get to GA both versions unsupported
    • RC probably has the majority of changes that the spring boot GA would have. If we do non-RC and aCSP then all the spring boot changes go out in a CSP, which is a lot of new spring boot stuff to not be tested
    • Incrementing a point in a CSP seems like too much
    • When we deploy CSP to bugfest we do smoke test
    • Some modules on separate branch have upgraded as PoC
    • Might want to talk with RMS more about CSP approach
    • Frame options for RMS meeting on the 26th
  • Work on Sunflower page on Monday the 26th
Time PermittingReference Data Upgrade

Hold until after Aug 2.

In the Sys Ops SIG meeting the topic of Reference Data Upgrades came up. The SIG thinks that the solution of this problem for mod-inventory-storage is not enough, but that this problem needs to be solved in a general way, for all modules.

There has been a long discussion 3-4 years ago about how FOLIO should handle reference data upon upgrades. See these links for background:

Previous Notes:

Background and Problem Statement

  • The issue at hand involves the handling of reference data during system upgrades. In previous upgrades, some institutions experienced data loss where customized reference data was overwritten by default settings during the upgrade process.
  • This problem was particularly highlighted in recent upgrade cycles, prompting a need for a more robust solution to preserve institution-specific customizations.

Existing Solutions and Approaches

  • Circulation Module Example:

    • The circulation module had addressed this issue by implementing a solution where reference data is only installed during the initial setup and skipped in subsequent upgrades unless new data is introduced in the upgrade. This approach prevents the overwriting of existing customized data.
    • The TC discussed whether this solution could be standardized and applied across other modules facing similar issues.
  • Challenges with Current Approach:

    • While the circulation module's solution is effective for preserving existing data, it does not account for scenarios where the reference data schema changes in new versions (e.g., adding new fields or making structural changes). In such cases, simply skipping the installation might not be sufficient, and more complex handling might be required.

Discussion Points

  • Standardization Across Modules:
    • The TC debated whether a similar approach should be mandated across all modules to ensure consistency and prevent data loss during upgrades. However, it was noted that this might require module-specific adjustments, depending on how each module manages its reference data.
  • Need for a Broader Solution:
    • There was recognition that a broader, more flexible solution might be necessary to handle various scenarios, such as changes in reference data structures. This could involve more sophisticated checks during the upgrade process to determine whether and how data should be updated or preserved.

Potential Actions

  • Subgroup Formation:
    • The idea of forming a new subgroup to focus on developing a comprehensive strategy for reference data handling during upgrades was floated. This subgroup could explore creating an RFC (Request for Comments) to propose a standardized approach across the project.
  • Review of Previous Work:
    • It was suggested that before moving forward, the TC should review previous efforts and discussions on this topic, including past proposals and proof-of-concept work that may have stalled due to resource constraints. This review would help ensure that any new efforts build on previous work rather than starting from scratch.

Next Steps

  • Further Discussion:
    • The TC agreed to revisit this discussion in the next meeting, with members encouraged to review past work and consider whether they are interested in participating in a potential subgroup. The goal would be to establish a clear path forward for managing reference data during upgrades across all modules.


  • ...
NAZoom Chat

11:06:26 From Jenn Colt to Everyone:
We agreed to the single
11:07:35 From Maccabee Levine to Everyone:
Reacted to "We agreed to the sin..." with 👍🏻
11:16:41 From Julian Ladisch to Everyone:
Remove "static" from the group name and the group goals.
11:16:55 From Huff, Jeremy T to Everyone:
Reacted to "Remove "static" from..." with 🤔
11:27:59 From Julian Ladisch to Everyone:
Does the TC agree to extend the scope of the group, or should we split off the test coverage and testing topic into a separate group?
11:39:50 From Maccabee Levine to Everyone:
BugFest is Nov 11-29. 3.4.x initial release is 11/21. So right in the middle. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/REL/pages/5210877/Ramsons+R2+2024
11:41:39 From Craig McNally to Everyone:
Reacted to "BugFest is Nov 11-29..." with 👍
11:45:10 From Marc Johnson to Everyone:
Thanks Taras, that’s what I was trying to understand
11:48:16 From Jenn Colt to Everyone:
Should we change release date?
11:50:12 From Patrick Pace to Everyone:
I'm headed out for another meeting
11:52:23 From Julian Ladisch to Everyone:
I don't think that we should change the release date. The option like upgrading in CSP is good enough.
11:54:02 From Julian Ladisch to Everyone:
11:56:30 From Jakub Skoczen to Everyone:
@Craig McNally the next one is on the 26th

Topic Backlog

Decision Log ReviewAll

Review decisions that are in progress.  Can any of them be accepted?  rejected?

Translation SubgroupAllSince we're having trouble finding volunteers for a subgroup, maybe we can make progress during a dedicated discussion session?
Communicating Breaking ChangesAll

Currently there is a PoC, developed by Maccabee Levine, of a utility to catalog Github PRs that have been labeled with the "breaking change" label. We would like to get developer feedback on the feasibility of this label being used more often, and the usefulness of this utility. 

Officially Supported Technologies - UpkeepAll

Previous Notes:

  • A workflow for these pages. When do they transition from one state to another. Do we even need statuses at all ?

Stripes architecture group has some questions about the Poppy release.

Zak: A handshake between developers, dev ops and the TC. Who makes that decision and how do we pass along that knowledge ? E.g. changes in Nodes and in the UI boxes. How to communicate this ? We have a large number of teams, all have to be aware of it.  TC should be alerted that changes are happening. We have a couple of dedicated channels for that. Most dev ops have subscribed to these channels. How can dev ops folk raise issues to the next level of community awareness ? There hasn't been a specific piece of TC to move that along.

Craig: There is a fourth group, "Capacity Planning" or "Release Planning". Slack is the de facto communication channel.  There are no objections to using Slack. An example is the Java 17 RFC. 

Craig: The TC gets it on the agenda and we will discuss it. The TC gets the final say.

Marc Johnson: We shouldn’t use the DevOps Channel. The dev ops folks have made it clear that it should only be used for support requests made to them.

Jakub: Our responsibility is to avoid piling up technical debt.

Marc: Some set of people have to actually make the call. Who lowers the chequered flag ?

Craig: It needs to ultimately come to the TC at least for awareness. There is a missing piece. Capacity Planning needs to provide input here. 

Marc: Stakeholders / Capacity Planning could make that decision. Who makes the decision ? Is it the government or is it some parts of the body ?

Marc: the developers community, the dev ops community and sys ops are involved. For example the Spring Framework discussion or the Java 17 discussion. But it was completely separate to the TC decision. It is a coordination and communication effort.

Marc: Maybe the TC needs to let go that they are the decision makers so that they be a moderating group.

Jakub: I agree with Marc. But we are not a system operating group. Dependency management should be in the responsibility of Release management. There are structures in the project for that.

Jason Root: I agree with Jakub and with Marc also. Policies should drive operational/release/support aspects of Folio.

Jason Root: If the idea of “support” is that frameworks are supported, then of course the project should meet that.

Marc Johnson
Some group needs to inform OleksAii when a relevant policy event occurs.
These documents effectively ARE the manifestation of the policy.

Craig: This is a topic for the next Monday session.

Craig to see if Oleksii Petrenko could join us to discuss the process for updating the officially supported technologies lists.

Dev Documentation VisibilityAll

Possible topic/activity for a Wednesday session:


  • Ideas for the type of developer-facing documentation we think would be most helpful for new developers
  • How we might bring existing documentation up to date and ensure it's consistent 
  • etc.
API linting within our backend modulesAll


Hello team, I would like to discuss API linting within our backend modules. Some time ago, we transitioned our linting process from Jenkins to GitHub Actions as outlined in https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/FOLIO-3678. I am assuming that this move was done via some technical council decision. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
In my observations, I've found two problems:
  1. Schema linting does not occur if the schemas are in YAML format.
  2. There are issues with resolving some deeper references during API linting.
Although I'm unsure about how to improve the existing linting implementations within Folio, I propose to consider an open-source solution that handles OpenAPI linting effectively and allows us to define custom rules. For your reference: https://stoplight.io/open-source/spectral A test of this solution can be found in this PR: https://github.com/folio-org/mod-search/pull/567. The same PR also provides an example of custom rule definition: https://github.com/folio-org/mod-search/pull/567/files#diff-d5da7cb43c444434994b76f3b04aa6e702c09e938de09dbc09d72569d611d9ab.Also, by employing 'Spectral', I discovered AsyncAPI (https://www.asyncapi.com/en), an API design tool similar to OpenAPI but for asynchronous interactions. I suggest that we consider using AsyncAPI in FOLIO to generate documentation for Kafka interactions.

PR TemplatesAll


Hello team, Small request to consider.
Regarding pr templates.
  1. From my perspective, pr template is not good idea. Even the biggest open source projects that are contributed by many people don't have any pr template. Currently what we have for acq modules https://github.com/folio-org/mod-orders-storage/blob/master/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
  2. These pr template is inconsistent in different teams.
What I suggest is that, pr template shouldn't be any instructions, because most developer who are creating pr have already understand the rules. If we put just two section into template, it will encourage developers to write more about their work and that lead to knowledge  sharing among developers.
Java 21All


Is Tech Council considering to update to java 21, I head good things from Netflix engineering teams about Garbage collector
https://www.infoq.com/presentations/netflix-java/ (edited)

Proposed Mod KafkaAll


Mike Taylor

Proposal. If and only if a FOLIO instance is running Kafka, it should insert and enable a module called mod-kafka, which consists entirely of a module descriptor that says it provides the interface kafka. The purpose is so that other modules can use the standard <IfInterface> and similar tools to determine whether they should attempt Kafka operations. Rationale: the FOLIO ILS depends absolutely on Kafka, but other uses of the platform will not. One such example: a dev platform that includes only mod-users, used as a source of change events for Metadb.

Action Items