2024-08-21 Architectural Decision-Making Processes
- Craig McNally
- Ingolf Kuss
- Tod Olson
- Jenn Colt
- Julian Ladisch
- Lee Braginsky
- Maccabee Levine
- Marc Johnson
- Matt Weaver
- Patrick Pace
- Jason Root
- Zak Burke
- Stephen Pampell
- Florian Kreft
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
1 min | Scribe | All | Florian Gleixner is next, followed by Marc Johnson Florian is out, so Marc will take notes today from the recording. Reminder: Please copy/paste the Zoom chat into the notes. If you miss it, this is saved along with the meeting recording, but having it here has benefits. |
* | Making architectural decisions of various scopes | All | We know that a project of this size is faced with architectural decisions of various sizes, ranging from things scoped very narrowly, which impact only one or a few modules/teams, to platform-wide decisions impacting almost everyone. A one-size-fits all approach to making these decisions is unlikely to work well, and we've seen this already with the RFC process. Let's enumerate the types/sizes of decisions we make, then try to identify the applicable processes for each. If there are gaps, do we need to define additional processes or guidance for dev teams, and architects? Types/sizes of technical decisions
Time Permitting | Additional RFC process feedback | Tod Olson | From Tod in slack:
Previous Notes:
NA | Zoom Chat |