2017-10-30 Reporting SIG Notes

2017-10-30 Reporting SIG Notes



  • @Sharon Beltaine

  • @Katalin Lovagne Szucs
  • @Robert Sass
  • @Joanne Leary
  • @Anne Highsmith
  • @Peter Murray
  • @Charlotte Whitt
  • @Simona Tabacaru
  • @Scott Perry
  • @George Stachokas
  • @Doreen Herold
  • @Vince Bareau
  • @Harry Kaplanian


  • Product Owner, Developer, and SIG participant introductions
  • Folio Reporting Tool development
  • Highlights of business requirements
  • Follow-ups: MARC Fields, CODEX
  • Reporting Codes Plan
  • Additional questions and answers

Discussion items

5minAttendance, notetaker, additional agenda items?Sharon

notetaker: Peter Murray

10minReporting SIG participants meet our new product owner (Katalin) and developer (Robert)All

Assumption was made early on that the reporting subsystem could wait until other pieces of the system could be developed.

What is the scope of what we are developing? Historically, libraries have used ad-hoc reporting tools that had access to the production database, and reporting would slow down the system. Focus now is on developing requirements.

10minPlans for Folio Reporting Tool developmentKatalin (PO) and Robert (Dev)

Reporting milestones document from Katalin.

Defining scope: does the reporting tool include import and export? what kind of performance is acceptable (over what size of data)?


Participants share highlights of Reporting Tool business requirements


Operational reports and logging of transactional details.

How specific user groups access the collection (for instance, when considering collapsing patron types).

Reporting on employee activity/productivity.

Tying external data to internal data (ambitions/goals of the larger institution, e.g.: reporting of student success outcomes)

Business intelligence – creating new services.

Problem solving, database maintenance, forensics on why or how something happened.

Management report, including data from other systems.

Need to classify reports that have real-time requirement versus others that can be time-shifted.

For the above types of reports, what needs to be done in consortia arrangements?

5minFollow-up: Results of MARC Subgroup MeetingIngolf, Sharon, Joanne, Michael, Scotttabled
5minFollow-up: CODEX expert identified to meet with Reporting SIG?Katalin (PO)tabled
5minPlan for coordinating with the Resource Management SIG about reporting codes for acquisitionsAlltabled
5minAdditional questions and answers, action items, follow-upsAll
5minBuild agenda for next meeting (November 6, 2017)All

-discussion on defining the scope of reporting requirements for Folio

-continued definition of business requirements for reporting, with more synthesis, tagging, etc.

-how do we caputure reporting requirements in other areas of the project (e.g., Resource Management, reporting codes)?

-what level of performance is needed in the Reporting Tool?

Action items


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